Technical Information Database TI1243D.txt TForm.MDIChildren[] Array and Form Creation Category :VCL Platform :All Product :Delphi All Description: The documentation of TForm.MDIChildren[] states that the index of the first-created MDI child is 0. This is incorrect -- the index of the most-recently-created MDI child is always 0, and the index of the first-created MDI child is always MDIChildCount - 1. With this in mind, you can use the following code to iterate over the MDI child array from from the first-created to the last: procedure TForm1.IterateOverMDIChildren; var i: integer; begin for i := MDIChildCount - 1 downto 0 do begin { do something with MDI child here } end; end; Reference: 7/16/98 4:34:06 PM
Last Modified: 01-SEP-99