Technical Notes Database TN1251D.txt WinCrt and Windows 3.0 Category :Pascal Platform :All Product :Turbo Pascal 1.0 Description: WinCrt is an emulation of the Dos and Crt units. Basically, it provides a quick and dirty means of output to a Windows window. It's not intended to be a Dos to Windows porting service - WinCrt apps are not full Windows apps - just a Windows window with some text, key scanning loops, and scrollbars. Note that writelns to the 'screen' will cause a runtime error in TPW unless the WinCrt unit is used. (WinCrt opens the standard Input and Output files, which are closed by default in TPW). The Readln, Keypressed, procedures, etc., are also only valid under the WinCrt umbrella. The text colors and text inverse are not supported. And since WinCrt takes control of the message loop and dispatch services of your windows app, WinCrt cannot be used in conjunction with OWL. You can call Windows API functions directly, however. Reference: 7/16/98 4:35:43 PM
Last Modified: 01-SEP-99