Technical Information Database TI1279D.txt - Redistributing Applications using the ISP Category :Delphi 2.x Platform :All Windows Product :Delphi2.x, Description: Applications built with the Internet Solutions Pack can be redistributed using most third party installation programs, including the InstallShield Express utility that ships with Delphi 2.0 Client/Server and Developer. In order to deploy your application, any OCX controls you used in building the application need to be redistributed along with your executable, as well as any other necessary files (eg. dll's) your program requires. In addition, the Internet controls are dependent upon NetMasters support dll's, and must be included with your program. The following list contains of all the OCX files and NetMasters DLLs that ship with the Internet Solutions Pack (and that may need to be redistributed): OCX files --------- HTML.OCX HTTPCT.OCX NNTPCT.OCX POPCT.OCX SMTPCT.OCX WINSCK.OCX FTPCT.OCX NetMasters DLLs -------------- NMOCOD.DLL NMSCKN.DLL NMFTPSN.DLL NMW3VWN.DLL NMORENU.DLL For a list of which files you actually need to include with your distribution, use the following dependency matrix: ---------------------------------------------------- | Winsock | FTP | NNTP | SMTP | POP3 | HTTP | HTML | ---------------------------------------------------------------| |NMSCKN.DLL | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | |---------------------------------------------------------------| |NMORENU.DLL | | X | X | X | X | X | X | |---------------------------------------------------------------| |NMOCOD.DLL | | X | X | X | X | X | X | |---------------------------------------------------------------| |WINSCK.OCX | X | | | | | | | |---------------------------------------------------------------| |FTPCT.OCX | | X | | | | | | |---------------------------------------------------------------| |NMFTPSN.DLL | | X | | | | | | |---------------------------------------------------------------| |NNTPCT.OCX | | | X | | | | | |---------------------------------------------------------------| |SMTPCT.OCX | | | | X | | | | |---------------------------------------------------------------| |POPCT.OCX | | | | | X | | | |---------------------------------------------------------------| |HTTPCT.OCX | | | | | | X | | |---------------------------------------------------------------| |HTML.OCX | | | | | | | X | |---------------------------------------------------------------| |NMW3VWN.DLL | | | | | | | X | --------------------------------------------------------------- Patches: The following patches are available for download from the Borland Delphi 32 CompuServe Forum (BDELPHI32) and the Borland website ( NMPATCH.ZIP - Unzip this file and follow the included directions. This patch was supplied by NetMasters and will actually update the controls themselves. ISP.DCU - Place in the Delphi 2.0\lib subdirectory and recompile your project. This will prevent the error message about not being licensed. To deploy your program using InstallShield Express, follow these steps: 1) Start up ISXpress, and build your Setup project as you normally would (if you are unfamiliar with building a Setup project with InstallShield Express, refer to the InstallShield online help). 2) In the Components & Groups portion of the setup, add your executable file into an appropriate group (eg. the Program Files group (default)). 3) Create a new group for the shared files (eg. "Shared Files"), and set the Destination Directory to. Then launch the Explorer and drag the necessary files (as determined by using the above matrix) to the newly created folder. These files should be located in your Windows\System directory on your hard drive (if not, you can find them on the Delphi 2.0 CD-ROM under \RUNIMAGE\DELPHI20\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32). 4) Finish the rest of the Setup procedure. You are now ready to deploy your application. InstallShield will automatically register all OCX's and DLLs that have set as their destination directory. Reference: 3/30/99 12:56:20 PM
Last Modified: 01-SEP-99