Article #16305: TP 6.0 Carton Text

 Technical Notes Database

TN1305D.txt   TP 6.0 Carton Text
Category   :Pascal
Platform    :All
Product    :Turbo Pascal  6.0

Carton Text

Turbo Pascal with Objects
Develop sophisticated applications easily with Turbo Vision

New Turbo Pascal 6.0 
Object-oriented programming with Turbo Vision

Turbo Pascal(R) now includes Turbo Vision, the first
object-oriented application framework for MS-DOS.  With Turbo
Vision, your applications automatically inherit a multi-window,
mouse-based user interface.

Turbo Vision is a complete library of objects including windows,
pull down menus, dialog boxes and scrollbars--with built-in
mouse support.  It also includes collection and stream objects
for data management.  With Turbo Vision, even the most
sophisticated applications are within reach.  It's easy to learn
but has power to spare for major applications.  In fact, we used
Turbo Vision to write Turbo Pascal's new Integrated Development
Environment!  So not only can you build better programs, you can
do it faster than ever.  

** Screenshot (TP1)
Zoom through source code and eliminate bugs quickly with the new
Integrated Development Environment.  

Powerful Sample Applications 

Turbo Vision comes with a complete set of applications including
desktop tools such as a calculator, a calendar, a rolodex, a
disk browser and more--all with complete source code.  And since
they're written using Turbo Vision they're easy to add to your
own programs or customize. 

**Screenshot (TP2)
Learning Turbo Pascal is a snap.  Copy, paste and compile over
200 sample programs from the Turbo Help hypertext system.


o Turbo Vision application framework 
   o Over 50 object types and 350 methods
   o Windows, dialogs, menus, mouse support and more
   o Completely extensible

o New Integrated Development Environment
   o Multi-file editor with macros
   o Overlapping windows and mouse support
   o Built-in support for Expanded Memory (EMS)
   o Integrated source code debugging
   o Turbo Help hypertext system
   o Conditional breakpoints and CPU window
o New inline assembler for low-level programming

o Turbo Pascal 6.0 has all the power and speed you need
   o Fast! Compiles 50,000 lines per minute*
   o Object-oriented programming now supports private methods 
     and data
   o Smart linker removes unused code, objects
   o Fast overlays for large programs
   o 8087 emulation and coprocessor support
   o BGI graphics for fonts, shapes, charts and more
   o Source code compatible with Turbo Pascal 5.x

** Mouse type:

*On IBM PS/2 Model 80

Minimum system requirements" For the IBM PS/2(R) and IBM(R)
family of personal computers and all 100% compatibles.  PC-DOS
(MS-DOS) 2.0 or later.  512K RAM minimum (256K for command line
version).  Two floppy disk drives.  BGI graphics supports VGA,
EGA, CGA, MCGA, Hercules, ATT400 and IBM 8514 monitors.  

Turbo Pascal is a registered trademark of Borland International,
Inc.  Copyright (C) 1990 Borland International, Inc.  All rights

Turbo Pascal Professional
Develop professional applications with Turbo Vision

New Turbo Pascal Professional 6.0 

   o Turbo Pascal(R) 6.0 with Turbo Vision
   o Protected-mode command-line compiler
   o Turbo Debugger(R)
   o Turbo Profiler TM
   o Turbo Assembler(R)

Turbo Pascal now includes Turbo Vision, the first
object-oriented application framework for MS-DOS.  With Turbo
Vision, your applications automatically inherit a multi-window,
mouse-based user interface.

Turbo Vision is a complete library of objects including windows,
pull down menus, dialog boxes and scrollbars--with built-in
mouse support.  It also includes collection and stream objects
for data management.  With Turbo Vision, even the most
sophisticated applications are within reach.  In fact, we used
Turbo Vision to write Turbo Pascal's new Integrated Development
Environment!  So not only can you build better programs, you can
do it faster than ever.  

** Screenshot (TP1)
Zoom through multiple source code files with the new Integrated
Development Environment.  

Turbo-Driven Compiler

Turbo Pascal Professional now includes a protected mode
command-line compiler that allows you to take full advantage of
extended memory and create programs several megabytes in size.  

Turbo Debugger--The Best Gets Better

Turbo Debugger 2.0 supports object-oriented programming in Turbo
Pascal 6.0.  It's the only debugger to support reverse
execution, which allows you to step backwards to find bugs you
may have missed.

** Screenshot (TP PRO)
Use Turbo Debuggers' object browsers and inspectors to track
down the toughest bugs.

Turbo Profiler

The world's first interactive profiler helps you tune your
programs for maximum speed.  Turbo profiler measures the
performance of your programs by showing you where time is spent
in your routines, overlays, interrupts and file I/O.

Turbo Assembler

The world's fastest 100% MASM-compatible assembler produces
optimized code for the 8086/286/386/486.

Turbo Pascal
   o New Turbo Vision application framework
   o New protected mode compiler for large programs
   o New built-in assembler (TASM and MASM compatible)
   o New integrated development environment with multiple
     windows, macros and mouse support
   o Object-oriented programming now supports private data
     and methods
   o Fast! Compiles 50,000 lines per minute*
   o Includes smart linker, fast overlays, 8087 support, 
     Turbo Help system and BGI graphics

Turbo Debugger
   o Reverse execution
   o Object browsers and inspectors 

Turbo Profiler
   o Histograms of program execution
   o Track call history

Turbo Assembler
   o Multi-pass optimizing assembler supporting 486

** Mouse type:

*On IBM PS/2 Model 80

Minimum system requirements" For the IBM PS/2(R) and IBM(R)
family of personal computers and all 100% compatibles.  PC-DOS
(MS-DOS) 2.0 or later.  512K RAM minimum (256K for command line
version).  Two floppy disk drives.  BGI graphics supports VGA,
EGA, CGA, MCGA, Hercules, ATT400 and IBM 8514 monitors.  

Turbo Pascal is a registered trademark of Borland International,
Inc.  Copyright (C) 1990 Borland International, Inc.  All rights




7/16/98 4:35:44 PM

Last Modified: 01-SEP-99