Technical Notes Database TN1317D.txt TP6 Marketing QNAs Category :Pascal Platform :All Product :Turbo Pascal 6.0 Description: Turbo Pascal 6.0 Questions and Answers Draft 3 - Oct 22, 1990 I. General Questions A. Who is the target audience for Turbo Pascal 6.0? Turbo Pascal 6.0 is targeted to the hundreds of thousands of MS-DOS application programmers who want to create professional looking applications but don't have time to write the code from scratch. Turbo Pascal 6.0 with Turbo Vision brings sophisticated application development within reach. B. What are the major new features of Turbo Pascal 6.0? The most important features of Turbo Pascal 6.0 are the Turbo Vision object-oriented application framework and the new Integrated Development Environment (IDE). These new features will increase productivity of application programmers using Turbo Pascal. In addition, Turbo Pascal Professional now includes a Turbo Drive compiler that can compile much larger programs using extended memory. C. What is new in the Integrated Development Environment (IDE)? The new Integrated Development Environment includes multi-file, multi-window editing with full mouse support and a macro language for customization. You can also set conditional breakpoints and view a register window while debugging. The new IDE includes Turbo Help, a hyper text system with help on the entire system as well as over 200 sample programs that can be automatically cut and paste into an editor and compiled. D. What has changed in the compiler from version 5.5 to 6.0? In addition to Turbo Vision and the new Integrated Development Environment (IDE) several changes have been made to the Pascal compiler itself in Turbo Pascal 6.0 to give programmers a more powerful development system. We have added inline assembler so that you can mix Pascal and assembly language easily. Turbo Pascal 6.0 now also generate 80286 code to take advantage of instructions on 80286 and 80386 processors for faster performance. The compiler supports privacy in objects. This allows you to declare object methods and fields as private therefore providing better encapsulation. Also, there is an extended syntax compiler directive ($X+) that allows you to ignore the return value of a function call treating thereby using a function as a procedure call. Lastly, Turbo Pascal Professional includes the Turbo Drive compiler that allows you to compile very large programs by using extended memory. E. Does Turbo Pascal 6.0 use VROOMM? Turbo Pascal 6.0's automatic overlay manager is based on the same technology as VROOMM (Virtual Real-Time Object-Oriented Memory Manager) used in Quattro Pro, Paradox and C++. Future versions of Turbo Pascal may incorporate all of the VROOMM technology. F. How large a program can you create with the Turbo Drive compiler? The Turbo Drive command line compiler can use as much extended memory as is available. Therefore you can compile programs that are several megabytes in size without removing debug information. However, the programs you create still run in real mode and therefore use Turbo Pascal's automatic overlay manager to run in 640K. G. What is Turbo Drive? Turbo Drive is a core Borland technology used to create applications that break the 640K DOS barrier by using extended memory. Turbo Drive is used in Turbo Pascal Professional as well as Turbo Debugger 286 and 386 and Paradox 3.5. II. Turbo Vision Questions A. What is an application framework? An application framework is the basic architecture of your program, already developed, with all the building blocks inter-linked. Because Turbo Vision is object-oriented your applications automatically inherit a powerful, extensible user interface. The application framework includes an object library with support for event handling, user interface management and data management. Turbo Vision is a major step forward that brings sophisticated user interfaces, including mouse support, windows and context senstive help, to DOS programmers, without requiring complex programming. The end result is that programmers can create better programs in less time. Another advantage is that the Turbo Vision architecture is much easier to extend since the framework of every application is already in place. B. What type of data management objects are built-in? Turbo Pascal 6.0 includes collections objects as well as streams that allow you to create persistent objects. All of the objects included in Turbo Vision can be stored on disk automatically using streams. The supplied objects can be used as the basis for more sophisticated user-written objects. In the future, a version of the Paradox Engine will also be accessible from Turbo Pascal. C. How large is Turbo Vision? Turbo Vision includes over 50 objects and 350 methods. Since Turbo Vision is written in Turbo Pascal with assembly language it compiles to about 40K for a typical application. The result is that Turbo Vision is not only productive, but extremely efficient. D. How will people learn to program with Turbo Vision? We have included a tutorial as well as reference documentation on programming with Turbo Vision. The Turbo Help system includes detailed coverage of Turbo Vision. There are also many sample programs included on disk. Programmers new to object-oriented programming may wish to refer to many of the third party books that feature more detailed tutorials on Turbo Vision programming. E. Are there any royalty fees or runtime charges with Turbo Vision? No. Programs written using Turbo Vision can be distributed without royalty fees or runtime charges. F. Are there other application frameworks for MS-DOS? Turbo Vision is the first application framework designed for MS-DOS. Other systems, such as MacApp on the Macintosh, are available on graphical systems. G. How does Turbo Vision effect third party vendors? Turbo Vision provides a solid foundation and rich architecture for third party vendors to build on. We expect that there will be a large marketplace for high-level application objects including communications, electronic mail, databases, spreadsheets, specialized financial, scientific and engineering objects and so on. All of these can be built on top of Turbo Vision to allow programmers to concentrate on their specific application domain and not on what it takes to put it on the screen and fit it into their own application architectures. Turbo Vision is the key component that will allow this kind of extensibility. H. Will Turbo Vision be moved to the Turbo C++ platform? Borland is committed to providing application frameworks across a variety of languages and platforms. I. Will Turbo Vision be available for Windows? Although the architecture and user interface of a Turbo Vision program is similar to that of a Windows program, Turbo Vision has been optimized for creating character based applications. A similar approach could be used for Windows though it would have to be optimized for a graphical environment. III. Other Questions A. Is the Paradox Engine compatible with Turbo Pascal? We are committed to making the Paradox Engine compatible with Turbo Pascal. This will give Turbo Pascal programmers additional power for creating applications that have sophisticated data management requirements. B. Does Turbo Pascal support Microsoft Windows or OS/2 development? Turbo Pascal 6.0 does not currently support Windows or OS/2 development. We plan to support both platforms in future releases of the product and we have committed significant development resources toward this end. We will first deliver products for Windows and follow with products for OS/2. Both Windows and OS/2 are emerging platforms that are a key part of our Turbo language strategy. Programmer's using Turbo Vision today will be creating applications that have the same architecture as is found on Windows and Presentation Manager. C. Are Turbo Pascal objects compatible with Turbo C++? Currently Turbo Pascal objects are not compatible with C++. We are examining ways to improve compatibility between Turbo Pascal and Turbo C++ to allow programmers to use a common object format. D. Does Turbo Pascal support multiple inheritance? Turbo Pascal does not support multiple inheritance and thus an object can only inherit from one ancestor object. Although multiple inheritance adds flexibility, it also adds complexity for the programmer. Single inheritance provides the greatest amount of reusability with the least amount of additional complexity. IV. Pricing and Availability Questions A. When will Turbo Pascal 6.0 be available? Turbo Pascal 6.0 is shipping immediately! B. What is the retail pricing for Turbo Pascal 6.0? Turbo Pascal $149.95 Turbo Pascal Professional $299.95 (includes Turbo Pascal, Turbo Drive Compiler, Turbo Debugger, Turbo Assembler, Turbo Profiler) Educational Pricing (Scholar Program) Turbo Pascal $39.95 C. What is the price of the Runtime Library? The Runtime Library, including source code to Turbo Vision, is $199.95. Current owners of the Runtime Library can upgrade for $99.95. D. What is the upgrade path for current Turbo Pascal customers? We are offering registered of any version of Turbo Pascal an upgrade price of $69 for Turbo Pascal 6.0 and $95 for Turbo Pascal Professional. * * * 11/27/90clb Reference: 7/16/98 4:35:44 PM
Last Modified: 01-SEP-99