Technical Information Database TI1321D.txt - How to dynamically create a TPageControl Category :VCL Platform :All-32Bit Product :All32Bit, Description: This document demonstrates how to dynamically add tab sheets (TTabSheet objects) to a Windows 9x/NT Page Control (TPageControl object). Both of these objects are declared in the ComCtrls unit. So make sure that ComCtrls is listed in the 'uses' clause on your form. HOW TO DYNAMICALLY CREATE A PAGE CONTROL ---------------------------------------- Before we get into dynamically creating tab sheets, lets first discuss how to dynamically create a PageControl (if one isn't on the form already). This is done by calling TPageControl's Create constructor with an owner parameter of Self. The Create constructor returns a object reference of the newly created Page Control object and assigns it to the 'PageControl' variable. The second step is to set PageControl's Parent property to Self. The Parent property determines where the new PageControl is to be displayed; in this case its the form itself. Here's a code snippet that demonstrates this. var PageControl : TPageControl; PageControl := TPageControl.Create(Self); PageControl.Parent := Self; Note: When the form gets destroyed the Page Control and it tab sheets will be destroyed also because they are owned by the form. HOW TO DYNAMICALLY CREATE A TAB SHEET -------------------------------------- There are two basic steps to dynamically add a new page to a PageControl. The first is to dynamically create the TTabSheet as follows: var TabSheet : TTabSheet; TabSheet := TTabSheet.Create(Self); Then we need to give it a caption as follows: TabSheet.Caption := 'Tabsheet 1'; And finally, the most important piece is to tell the new tab sheet which Page Control it belongs to. This is done by assigning the TTabSheet's PageControl property a TPageControl reference variable like the one created above (PageControl). Here's a code snippet that demonstrates this. TabSheet.PageControl := PageControl; HOW TO DYNAMICALLY ADD A CONTROL TO A TAB SHEET ----------------------------------------------- The key to creating and placing any control on a tab sheet is to assign it's Parent property a TTabSheet class reference variable. Here is an example. var Button : TButton; Button := TButton.Create(Self); Button.Caption := 'Button 1'; Button.Parent := TabSheet; For more information on the TPageControl and TTabSheet objects refer to the on-line documentation as well as look at the ComCtrls.pas file in your ..\Delphi..\SOURCE\VCL directory. FULL SOURCE EXAMPLE ------------------- // This code is extracted from a form with a single button on it. unit DynamicTabSheetsUnit; interface uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, StdCtrls, Buttons; type TForm1 = class(TForm) Button1: TButton; procedure Button1Click(Sender: TObject); procedure TestMethod(Sender: TObject); private { Private declarations } public { Public declarations } end; var Form1: TForm1; implementation uses ComCtrls; {$R *.DFM} procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); var PageControl : TPageControl; TabSheet : TTabSheet; begin // Create the PageControl PageControl := TPageControl.Create(Self); PageControl.Parent := Self; // Create 1st page and associate it with the PageControl TabSheet := TTabSheet.Create(Self); TabSheet.Caption := 'Tabsheet 1'; TabSheet.PageControl := PageControl; // Create the first page with TButton.Create(Self) do begin Caption := 'Button 1'; OnClick := TestMethod; // Assign an event handle Parent := TabSheet; end; // Create 2nd page and associate it with the PageControl TabSheet := TTabSheet.Create(Self); TabSheet.Caption := ' Tabsheet 2'; TabSheet.PageControl := PageControl; end; procedure TForm1.TestMethod(Sender: TObject); begin ShowMessage('Hello'); end; end. Reference: 3/26/99 11:29:14 AM
Last Modified: 01-SEP-99