Article #16323: TP6.0 Hot Sheet

 Technical Notes Database

TN1323D.txt   TP6.0 Hot Sheet
Category   :Pascal
Platform    :All
Product    :Turbo Pascal  6.0

                              TP6.0 Hot Sheet
                             November 7, 1990

                            Feature Highlights

    o  NEW! state-of-the-art integrated development environment (IDE)

       Multiple overlapping windows
       Mouse Support
       Multi-file editor that can edit files up to 1MB
       Enhanced debugging facilities
            NEW! Conditional breakpoints
            Step over and trace into
            Watch expressions
            Call stack
            NEW! Register viewer
       complete save and restore of desktop

    o  NEW! Object Oriented application framework, Turbo Vision, for use in
       your applications.

    o  NEW! full featured inline assembler (BASM)

    o  NEW! private fields and methods in object declarations

    o  extended syntax directive ($X) that lets you treat functions like
       procedures (and ignore function results)

    o  NEW! 286 code generation    o  address references in typed constants

    o  far and near procedures directives ($F)

    o  link in initialized data ($L) from object files

    o  NEW! heap manager is faster and reduces fragmentation

    o  Built in Overlay Manager based on VROOM (Virtual Run-time Object-
       Oriented Memory Manager) technology, used in Turbo C++, Paradox and
       Quattro Pro.  Supports EMS.

    o  Borland Graphics Interface (BGI)
       Smart linker removes unused objects and code

    o  complete math coprocessor emulation and support - 8087/80287/80387

    o  enhanced hypertext online help facilities, with complete cut and
       paste example code for every library procedure and function.

    o  Online Tutorial (TPTOUR)

                            System Requirements

IBM PC or PS/2 and all 100% compatibles
PC/MS-DOS 2.0 or later
Dual Floppy drive (hard disk recommended)
(5.5MB of total free disk space for TP6.0 Professional)

                        Memory/Storage Requirements

                    Memory    Storage

Turbo Pascal 6.0
     IDE            512K
                          >-  3.5MB
     Command-Line   256K

     mode compiler  1MB       260K
     (Pro Only)
                    Memory    Storage

Turbo Debugger
(Pro Only)
     Std.           384K
                           >- 1.4MB
     TD386          512K

Turbo Profiler
(Pro Only)
     Std.           384K
                          >-  512K
     TF386          512K

Turbo Assembler
(Pro Only)          256K      360K


Machine                  MHz  DiskType  Seconds   Lines/Min

IBM PS/2 Mod 60           8   RAM       14.7       34,114
Toshiba 5200             20   Fixed     11.3       44,378
Toshiba 5200             20   RAM        5.2       96,438
Compaq DeskPro 386/33    33   Fixed      5.9       84,996
Compaq DeskPro 386/33    33   RAM        2.9      172,924


Turbo Pascal 6.0 includes:

     User's Guide
     Programmer's Guide
     Turbo Vision Guide
     Library Reference

In addition Turbo Pascal Professional includes:

     Turbo Debugger User's Guide
     Turbo Profiler User's Guide
     Turbo Assembler User's Guide
     Turbo Assembler Reference Guide
     Turbo Assembler Quick Reference

Pricing Information

    o  Turbo Pascal 6.0   $149.95

    o  (Scholar Program  $39.95)

    o  Turbo Pascal Professional 6.0  $299.95

       NEW! Turbo Driven Protected-mode compiler       Turbo Debugger 2.0
       Turbo Assembler 2.0
       Turbo Profiler 1.0

    o  Turbo Pascal RTL  $199.95

       Full RTL Source code
       NEW! Full Turbo Vision Source Code

Upgrade Information

    o  Turbo Pascal x.x to Turbo Pascal 6.0 $69.95

    o  Turbo Pascal x.x to Turbo Pascal Professional $99.95***

    o  Turbo Pascal RTL x.x to Turbo Pascal 6.0 RTL  $99.95

    o  Turbo Pascal 6.0 to Turbo Pascal Professional (Disk Only) $30.00

***Turbo Pascal Professional is the preferred upgrade path.  Includes
TPCX.EXE the protected mode command line compiler that is not available
with the standard edition.  This is the suggested upgrade even if you
currently own the Turbo Debugger, Assembler and Profiler.



7/16/98 4:35:44 PM

Last Modified: 01-SEP-99