Technical Notes Database TN1329D.txt TP6 Fact Sheet (Draft 1.0) Category :Pascal Platform :All Product :Turbo Pascal 6.0 Description: Fact Sheet TURBO PASCAL 6.0 PROFESSIONAL TURBO PASCAL 6.0 PROFESSIONAL: PROGRAMMING WITH VISION New Turbo Pascal 6.0 includes Turbo Vision, the first object-oriented application framework for MS-DOS. With Turbo Vision, your applications automatically inherit a multi-window, mouse-based user interface. Turbo Pascal 6.0 also includes a new Integrated Development Environment with multiple windows and mouse support. So not only can you build better programs, you can do it faster than ever. Turbo Pascal 6.0 Professional features Turbo Pascal 6.0 together with Turbo Debugger, the standard tool for object-oriented debugging, and Turbo Profiler and Turbo Assembler. A protected-mode Turbo Pascal compiler that frees conventional memory and lets you compile extra-large applications is included in the Professional package to complete your inventory of professional programming tools. TURBO PASCAL 6.0 PROFESSIONAL NEW! Turbo Vision NEW! Integrated Development Environment NEW! Inline assembler NEW! Conditional breakpoints NEW! Protected-mode compiler Object-oriented programming extensions include: Inheritance Static and virtual methods Static and dynamic objects Constructors and destructors NEW! Private methods and data fields Integrated debugger with object support Turo help hypertext system with copy and paste High speed--compiles more than 50,000 (80,000?) lines per minute Enhanced smart linker removes unused objects and code Complete math coprocessor emulation and support--8087/80287/80387 State-of-the-art overlay management PACKAGED APPLICATIONS WITH TURBO VISION Turbo Vision is the first object-oriented application framework for DOS. It provides Turbo Pascal programmers with a solid architecture on which to build all their applications. Just as the same steel-girder framework can be used to build a school, an apartment house, or a hospital, so Turbo Vision provides programmers with an inheritable object hierarchy suitable for packaging applications. Programmers no longer have to reinvent features; their programs inherit them. Turbo Vision is a professional tool. To prove it, we wrote our new IDE using Turbo Vision (and we wrote it in record time!). With the new IDE, you can write your programs, compile, run, and debug them within a single integrated environment. And you can do it all on the leading edge of technology--with the Turbo Vision application framework. Turbo Pascal 6.0, with Turbo Vision, OOP, units, an enhanced smart linker, and an intelligent, unit-based overlay manager give you the ability to create large and complex programs easily. INTEGRATED DEBUGGING-- THE LEADER OF THE PACK With Turbo Pascal, you can debug your programs without leaving the comfort of the integrated environment. Examine objects and their associated methods. Step over or single-step through each line of your program, watching your variables as they change with each statement. Set conditional breakpoints. Watch and evaluate variables, data structures, and expressions. Assign new values to your variables and data structures while debugging. With this visibility into your code, you can find and fix errors with greater ease. HELP! Turbo Pascal's indexed and cross-referenced online Turbo Help hypertext system uses hypertext to give context-sensitive help on a comprehensive range of topics. There's an example for every standard Turbo Pascal procedure and function. If you see something you'd like to use, the IDE lets you copy it from Help into your program in the editor. A separate RAM-resident program offers you the identical help from anywhere in your system (not just inside the integrated environment), and only uses 25K of memory. (Have we dropped this?) EDITING MADE EASY Automatic indenting and outdenting, search and replace, and block operations (mark, move, copy and delete) all make editing your programs faster and easier. And Turbo Pascal automatically uses expanded memory (EMS), freeing up to 400K of real memory for compilation. If you prefer to use your own editor, a command-line version of Turbo Pascal is included in your package. NEW! INLINE ASSEMBLER Sometimes you need to drop down to assembly language for extra speed or control. Turbo Pascal 6.0 makes it easy to mix Pascal and assembly language code in your programs. The ability to mix Pascal and assembler gives programmers the edge in creating fast applications in less time. UNITS--PERFECT YOUR PROGRAM PIECE BY PIECE Units are separate source code modules, written and compiled individually, that can be called by your program or other units. Since a single unit can be used by many different programs, you can get it right once and not bother with it again. With units, you can build your own library of flawless code to use over and over again. OVERLAY MANAGEMENT-- BIGGER PROGRAMS, GREATER SPEED Feeling cramped by the 640K barrier? Turbo Pascal's improved overlay manager allows you to write programs of unlimited size. It's based on Borland's VROOMM (Virtual Realtime Object-Oriented Memory Manager) technology, used in Quattro Pro and Paradox. Using the sophisticated "least recently used" (LRU) algorithm and EMS (if available), the overlay manager runs your overlaid programs fast. And all you have to do is to call an initialization routine and specify which units may be overlaid. MATH COPROCESSOR SUPPORT Turbo Pascal offers full math coprocessor emulation and support. This lets you take advantage of the high-precision, high-speed math capabilities provided by the 8087, 80287, or 80387 math coprocessor chips when present, yet your programs will work even if one isn't there. GRAPHICS The Borland Graphics Interface (BGI) lets you easily use graphics and animation in your programs. Turbo Pascal's complete graphics library has more than 70 functions that you can use to draw and fill shapes, create viewports, produce multiple-font text, and handle bit-level images. BGI supports a wide variety of graphics adapters: VGA, EGA, CGA, MCGA, Hercules, ATT400, IBM 8514, and PC3270. CUSTOMIZABLE Borland knows that you want to make Turbo Pascal your very own. The IDE comes with a sophisticated macro language that allows you to customize your editor command keys. The IDE's pull-down menus allow you to modify default settings, change your screen colors, and more. SOLID SUPPORT When you need help, Borland's experienced Technical Support Group is there for you. Borland's Support Group has earned a reputation in the industry as being one of the best there is. Why? Because our customers are treated with courtesy and concern, and receive sound technical knowledge from professionals well-versed in the products they support. THE RUNTIME LIBRARY Professional programmers often wish they could change standard functions and procedures slightly to better work with the application at hand. As part of our open-architecture policy, Borland offers users the Turbo Pascal 6.0 runtime library, including the source for Turbo Vision, at moderate additional cost. The runtime library source provides you with a broad range of state-of-the-art functions, including graphics, I/O, math coprocessor emulation, sorting and searching, DOS interfacing, and overlay management. You can use these routines just as they are, or you can customize them to fit your exact needs. Either way, you save valuable time by incorporating proven, professional, customizable code in your programs. TURBO PASCAL 6.0 PROFESSIONAL INCLUDES THE POWER AND PERFORMANCE OF TURBO ASSEMBLER, TURBO DEBUGGER AND TURBO PROFILER When you have Turbo Pascal 6.0 Professional, you have the right tools to undertake your most complicated applications. Turbo Pascal, Turbo Debugger, Turbo Profiler, and Turbo Assembler work beautifully together. You don't have to do anything special to move from one to another. Write your Turbo Pascal program, debug it with Turbo Debugger, find the bottlenecks with Turbo Profiler, then link in Turbo Assembler code for optimum speed. TURBO DEBUGGER 2.0 Turbo Debugger 2.0 supports object-oriented debugging in Turbo Pascal, and has the breakthrough capabilities you need to find the toughest bugs: Undo multiple instructions with reverse execution Debug using Turbo Drive(TM) 286 protected mode, 386 virtual mode, and remote debugging to fix programs of any size Browse your object hierarchy; inspect classes and objects; walk through structures and records; follow linked lists Edit with multiple overlapping windows, mouse support, icons, dialog boxes, and scroll bars in the new user interface Examine your program in 13 different views, including breakpoints, watch, and CPU Catch bugs with the powerful breakpoint facility (including hardware breakpoints) Debug TSRs and device drivers Debug using the built-in assembler Record and playback keystrokes Use in 25-, 43-, or 50-line mode OBJECT DEBUGGING In addition to letting you examine and debug data structures, Turbo Debugger offers a feature unique among debuggers: You can debug objects as well. This means you can browse through your all of your data structures and objects and view their contents, follow pointers, walk down linked lists, and examine methods. You can even change the value of structure and object members. Turbo Debugger allows you to debug object instances as easily as data structures. Turbo Debugger's hierarchy browser gives you a high-level view of your object hierarchy, its easy to find the source of bugs inherited by objects. YOU ARE IN CONTROL! Turbo Debugger can directly undo the execution of CPU instructions or source lines to help you to find the most difficult bugs. In addition, Turbo Debugger provides keystroke recording and playback, so you can find bugs triggered by long and involved sequences of user input. DEBUG PROGRAMS OF ANY SIZE 286 protected mode: Load Turbo Debugger itself into extended memory and use only 70K of real memory. 386 virtual machine mode: Run Turbo Debugger entirely from extended memory, giving every all of conventional RAM to the program you're debugging. Remote debugging: Run Turbo Debugger on one computer to debug programs on another, using only 15K on the target system. EMS support: Take advantage of EMS memory for symbol table caching, leaving more room for your program. Two monitors on one machine: Run Turbo Debugger on one screen, your program on the other. This method is especially useful for debugging programs that contain graphics. POWERFUL BREAKPOINTS GIVE YOU GREATER CONTROL OVER YOUR DEBUGGING SESSIONS You can define Turbo Debugger's breakpoints in three ways: where the breakpoint occurs, the condition under which the break is triggered, and what happens when the break occurs. {Shall we drop this paragraph?} ASSEMBLER AND SOURCE LEVEL POWER Debug at the source code level using the module window. If you prefer, debug at the assembler level, by opening the CPU window. Open both windows to debug your program's source and machine code side by side. TURBO PROFILER 1.0 BEYOND OPTIMIZATION Turbo Profiler takes you beyond optimization by giving you the information you need to optimize your algorithms and data structures. An optimizing compiler generates the fastest possible executable code for the program you give it. Turbo Profiler goes one step further by helping you enhance the design of the program for maximum performance. PROFILE THE EXECUTION OF YOUR PROGRAMS Turbo Profiler gives you a profile of the execution of your program, graphically displaying where your program is spending its time. It interactively measures your program, allowing you to identify bottlenecks in your code and fine-tune the design for optimal performance. Turbo Profiler brings performance analysis to the mainstream of PC programming. Turbo Profiler measures: Where time is spent in your program How many times a line is executed How many times a routine is called and from where What files are accessed most often and for how long When and where resources such as (CPU, disk, keyboard, printer, and interrupts) are consumed EASY TO USE With its multiple overlapping windows, icons, mouse support, and context-sensitive online help, Turbo Profiler's intuitive user interface lets you become productive immediately, whether you've used a profiler before or not. Using easy-to-read histograms, Turbo Profiler makes it clear where your program is consuming time. PROFILE PROGRAMS OF ANY SIZE Using the same advanced technology as Turbo Debugger, Turbo Profiler can profile programs of any size by using a 386 or remote profiling. MULTIPLE VIEWS Turbo Profiler provides many ways to see into your program. The Execution Profile view tells you how many times and how often your program's modules, functions, and individual lines are executed. You can tell Turbo Profiler which lines, routines, and modules you are interested in from the Module view. The File Activity view shows you how many times and for how long each file is accessed, and how many bytes are read from or written to it. You can view DOS interrupt and overlay activities from the Interrupt and Overlay views. A total of nine different windows allow you to thoroughly inspect your program's performance. TURBO ASSEMBLER 2.0 Multi-pass optimizing assembler with NOP squishing MASM compatible and two to three times faster than MASM Generates assembler code for 8086, 80286, 80386, and 80486 Ideal mode supports extended syntax and MASM CALL statement allows inclusion of arguments and optional languages Generates Microsoft Windows-compatible code from your DOS program (no macros!) Assembles multiple files at the same time Allows named local labels, nested structures and unions BETTER THAN MASM Turbo Assembler offers a superior professional alternative to Microsoft Assembler (MASM). Turbo Assembler is compatible with MASM 4.0, 5.0, and 5.1--even more so than MASM itself. MASM 5.1 can't claim full compatibility with earlier versions of MASM--Turbo Assembler can. QUIRKS MODE MASM has what can best be described as "quirks." Anomalies. Things that don't work the way you might expect. Some programmers have learned to work with them; their code needs special support. So Turbo Assembler has a Quirks mode that fully duplicates the functioning of MASM quirks. Programs written to use those quirks run under Turbo Assembler. IDEAL MODE When you're first learning assembly language, you can benefit from Turbo Assembler's Ideal mode, with simplified parsing methods, improved consistency, and stricter type-checking. Ideal mode makes learning Turbo Assembler painless for the beginner since it's simpler to learn. And for the expert, programs are easier to read and write. You can use Standard MASM mode, Quirks mode, and Ideal mode all in the same program, taking advantage of Turbo Assembler's new features while maintaining compatibility with your existing MASM code. TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS COMPUTER AND STORAGE REQUIREMENTS For the IBM PS/2, the IBM family of personal computers, and all 100% compatibles. A hard disk with a minimum of _____MB free storage is required. OPERATING SYSTEM PC-DOS (MS-DOS) 2.0 or later MEMORY AND STORAGE REQUIREMENTS Memory Storage Turbo Pascal 6.0 IDE 512K >- 3.5MB Command-Line 256K compiler Protected- mode compiler 1MB 260K (Pro Only) Memory Storage Turbo Debugger (Pro Only) Std. 384K >- 1.4MB TD286 TD386 512K Turbo Profiler (Pro Only) Std. 384K >- 512K TF386 512K Turbo Assembler (Pro Only) 256K 360K A FAST OBJECT LESSON Object-oriented applications model the way we think, and application frameworks like Turbo Vision model the way we build. Objects and object hierarchies are easy to extend and easier to maintain. Objects contain both data and code, and Turbo Vision fulfils the potential of objects. As in a spreadsheet cell, the value and the formula are together. Objects can inherit properties from other objects, and Turbo Vision takes maximum advantage of this feature. Your applications inherit characteristics of a prepackaged application framework. Your application can have mouse support, dialog boxes, and overlapping windows, all of which are inherited from Turbo Vision. Objects are intelligent, too. Clicking the mouse on a radio button inside of a dialog box has a different result from mousing on a zoom box or scroll bar. Turbo Pascal's object-oriented extensions are fast, efficient, and elegant. You get the full power of inheritance, data abstraction, and late binding. For maximum flexibility, you can allocate dynamic objects referenced through pointers. For maximum efficiency, you can declare static objects and object constants that are referenced directly. Static and virtual methods can both be used in the same program for maximum performance and extensibility. Constructors and destructors make creating, initializing, and disposing of dynamic objects simple and reliable. They also reduce errors, save programming time, and improve readability. With Turbo Pascal Objects, your code is compact, flexible, and reusable. With Turbo Vision, your applications acquire a polished look without a lot of perspiration. What's more, your programs become easier to extend and easier to maintain. Object-oriented programming with Turbo Pascal and Turbo Vision is programming that makes sense. All Borland products are trademarks or registered trademarks of Borland International, Inc. Copyright (C) 1990 Borland International, Inc. All rights reserved. CORPORATE HEADQUARTERS 1800 GREEN HILLS ROAD, P.O. BOX 660001 SCOTTS VALLEY, CA 95066-0001, (408) 438-5300 BORLAND U.K. UNIT 8 PAVILIONS, RUSCOMBE BUSINESS PARK TWYFORD, BERKSHIRE, RG10 9NN-ENGLAND BORLAND FRANCE B.P. NO. 6, 43 AVENUE DE L'EUROPE 78141 VELIZY VILLACOUBLAY CEDEX, FRANCE 11/27/90clb Reference: 7/16/98 4:35:45 PM
Last Modified: 01-SEP-99