Article #16375: Avoid using Resource Heap with Tabbed Notebooks

 Technical Information Database

TI1375D.txt   Avoid using Resource Heap with Tabbed Notebooks
Category   :General Programming
Platform    :All
Product    :Delphi  All

Intended Audience:
Anyone who wants to necessarily avoid using User Resource heap in
conjunction with TTabbedNotebooks. 

- Familiarity with the TTabbedNotebook and TTimer components. 
- Understanding of Microsoft Windows Architecture; specifically
  User resources.

Purpose of the TI:
This document demonstrates how to use Object Pascal to help
control the number of active handlesWindows, the User 
Resource heap specifically, keeps track of. Why does this
matter? Simplifying things, Windows keeps track of every Focusable
Control via a Handle. The issue is,Windows cannot simply maintain
an inexhaustible amount of Windows Handles (4 byte pointers) and
this is where this TI's sample code will help "ease" the resource
load which might restrict the Delphi Developer.

The User DLL actually is the Library which allocates and maintains
resources for all Windows and related data structures, including
focusable object's and other unmentioned, but nonetheless
important USER functions, under Windows. It is this USER DLL
resource limitation* which we are temporarily working around.
An example of an added resource load is, every control we add to
a form, takes up 4 bytes of the USER 64k. 

With this in mind, what exactly are we doing? We will be
destroying** the Handles which Windows is architecturely designed
to remember. By destroying these Handles, thus freeing USER 
resource drain, it does not mean we need to recreate said objects
again. On the contrary, currently built into the VCL is the
ability to keep track of said objects, which are in fact pointers
to structures. So, knowing the VCL will maintain a Handle and
windows will recreate a new Handle as NEEDED, instead of
maintaining one permanently, as designed, we can take control of
the USER resources manually and "ease" the overall USER resource

This TI will demonstrate the freeing of USER Handle resources via
Delphi's TTabbedNoteBook (specifically destroying Page Handles),
Delphi's DestroyHandle (TWinControl procedure for removing USER
handles), and the Windows API call LockWindowUpdate (Locking 
unwanted repaints).

The technique of freeing a TTabbedNoteBook Page Handle can be
extended to anyTWinControl descendant. TWinControl is the
ancestor class which introduces the creating/destroying of Windows
Handles; CreateHandle & DestroyHandle.

* 64K for Win3.1 & 64K for Win95 16-bit subsytem alone. For further
information, contact Microsoft or look in the MSDN.
** As a side effect of destroying said Handles, the TTabbedNotebook
used in this TI will experience faster page movement.

                              SAMPLE CODE

The following attached events are direct excerpts from a Project
with a TTimer,TTabbedNotebook (with multiple pages) and an
assorted plethora of controls on each notebook page. (The later
is to emphasize the benefits of adding the below code) The attached
Event snippit's should reside in the OnTimer event of the TTimer
control and the OnChange event of the TTabbedNotebook, respectively.
With no further adou, let's try our new code:


Type TSurfaceWin = class(TWinControl);

procedure TForm1.Timer1Timer(Sender: TObject);
{This code will update the Form caption with the percentages of
 free SYSTEM, GDI, &USER for Windows.}
caption := 'SYSTEM: ' + 
            inttostr(getfreesystemresources(GFSR_SYSTEMRESOURCES)) +
   ' GDI: ' + inttostr(getfreesystemresources(GFSR_GDIRESOURCES)) +
   ' USER: ' + inttostr(getfreesystemresources(GFSR_USERRESOURCES));

procedure TForm1.TabbedNotebook1Change(Sender: TObject; NewTab:
           Integer;  var AllowChange: Boolean);
{LockWindowUpdate prevents any drawing in a given window}

{The reason for TSurfaceWin is because the DestroyHandle call is
declared abstract in TWinControl, which means, only descendant
classes can surface this Procedure. The rest of the line is meant
to flag the current page of the TabbedNotebook and destroy its
handle as we move to another page. NOTE: Even though we destroy
the handle, Windows itself remembers the page object and will
reassign/create a new one when the tab is once more clicked to. }

{Release the Lock on the Form so any Form drawing can work}


7/16/98 4:34:10 PM

Last Modified: 01-SEP-99