Technical Notes Database TN1377D.txt Installing Acrobat Reader for Windows Category :General Programming Platform :All Product :Delphi All Description: ADOBE FAXYI COMPREHENSIVE OVERVIEW: INSTALLING ADOBE ACROBAT READER FOR WINDOWS WHAT?S COVERED Overview of the Installation Process Files Installed by the Acrobat Reader Description of Installed Files Changes Made to the WIN.INI and SYSTEM.INI Files Installing Acrobat Reader 2.0 when an Earlier Version of Acrobat Reader is Installed Installing Acrobat Reader when a Version of ATM Earlier than 3.01 has been Installed Default .INI File Listings Description of .INI File Functions and Settings Installing Acrobat Reader Manually This document is designed to help network administrators and support staff who want to predict how installing the Acrobat Reader might affect their networks and users. By under-standing how the Acrobat Reader Installer works, it is possible to decide the best way to install the Acrobat Reader. For information on obtaining Acrobat Reader 2.0, see Related Records. OVERVIEW OF THE INSTALLATION PROCESS When the Acrobat Reader Installer is launched in Windows, it partially decompresses itself in the directory listed in the "Set Temp=" line in the AUTOEXEC.BAT file. Once the installer application is decompressed in this directory, it displays the license agreement. After select-ing "Accept" in the "Electronic End User License Agreement" dialog box, "Install" in the "Acrobat Installer" dialog box, and "OK" after entering your name and company, Acrobat Reader files are installed. If the "Set Temp=" line in the AUTOEXEC.BAT file points to an invalid drive or directory or there is insufficient free disk space on the drive specified, errors will occur during the Acrobat Reader installation. The Acrobat Reader Installer installs the Acrobat Application, supporting libraries, on-line documentation, configuration (.INI) files, fonts, and Adobe Type Manager 3.01 (ATM) into pre-desginated locations. The version of ATM included with Acrobat Reader isn?t a complete version of ATM; it will only run under Windows 386-enhanced mode, does not include a control panel for adding or removing fonts, and, by default, is not available to other applications. FILES INSTALLED BY THE ACROBAT READER Acrobat reader installs the following files and directories (in quotes): "ACROREAD" ACROGRAF.DLL 117808 10-14-94 2:12a ACROREAD.REG 686 [date/time of install] ACROCORE.DLL 364640 10-14-94 2:12a ACROREAD.EXE 299040 10-14-94 2:12a VIEWLIB.DLL 405904 10-14-94 2:12a "HELP" HELP_R.PDF 61575 10-14-94 2:12a README_R.TXT 11033 10-14-94 2:12a NOTE: ACROREAD is the default installation name of the Acrobat Reader directory and can be renamed during the installation process. If installing under a networked version of Windows, the following files are installed into each user?s personal WINDOWS directory. Otherwise, these files are installed into the shared WINDOWS directory. "WINDOWS" ATM .INI 917 [date/time of install] ACROREAD.INI 136 [date/time of install] ~ACROBAT.TMP 76 [date/time of install] ADOBEACR.GRP 1632 [date/time of install] An ATMFONTS.QLC file is created in the directory indicated by the "QLCDir=" line in the ATM.INI file. By default, the ATMFONTS.QLC file is installed is the same directory in which the ATM.INI is located. The size of the file varies depending on how many fonts are installed. If installing onto a system with an ATM.INI file that includes a "PFB_Dir=" pointing to a valid directory, the following files are installed to that directory. If there is no ATM.INI file present on the system, or the directory listed in the PFB_Dir= line is invalid, the files are installed in the root of the WINDOWS directory. If the SY_____.PFB or ZD_____.PFB files are present, they are not updated. SY______ PFB 31586 [date/time of install] ZD______ PFB 40858 [date/time of install] ZX______ PFB 74870 [date/time of install] ZY______ PFB 95283 [date/time of install] If installing onto a system with an ATM.INI file that includes a "PFM_Dir=" line pointing to a valid directory, the following files are installed to that directory. If there is no ATM.INI file present on the system, or the directory listed in the "PFM_Dir=" line is invalid, the files are installed in the root of the WINDOWS directory. If the SY_____.PFM or ZD_____.PFM files are present, they are not updated. SY______ PFM 672 [date/time of install] ZD______ PFM 684 [date/time of install] ZX______ PFM 683 [date/time of install] ZX______ MMM 7188 [date/time of install] ZY______ PFM 684 [date/time of install] ZY______ MMM 7188 [date/time of install] If Installing Acrobat Reader under a non-networked version of Windows, the following files are installed into the WINDOWS\SYSTEM directory. If installing Acrobat Reader under a networked version of Windows, the following files are installed in the root of the shared WINDOWS directory. ATM32.DLL 372384 10-6-94 3:01a ATMSYS.DRV 26336 10-6-94 3:01a When the file ATM32.DLL is first installed, it is installed with the name "ATM32.NDL." The next time windows is restarted the ATM driver (ATMSYS.DRV) will check for .NDL files. If any are found, the current .DLL (if any) will be deleted and the .NDL file will be renamed to take its place. If the DLL cannot be deleted, an error will occur. If you don?t have write access to the shared WINDOWS directory when installing Acrobat Reader, the files will not be installed and the error message "You are attempting a network node install, but certain components which must be installed by the network administrator are missing or are out of date. Please see your administrator" will be displayed followed by the message "The Installation is complete." After the unsuccessful installation Acrobat or Windows will fail to launch. If Acrobat Reader was installed without write access to the shared WINDOWS directory, restore the ATM.INI and SYSTEM.INI files to their original state prior to installing Acrobat Reader. DESCRIPTION OF INSTALLED FILES ACROGRAF.DLL Acrobat viewer support file. ACROCORE.DLL Acrobat viewer support file. ACROREAD.EXE Acrobat Reader program file. VIEWLIB.DLL Acrobat viewer support file. ACROREAD.REG OLE registration information. Acrobat Reader can accepts only DDE open/close messages. Reader is not an OLE-aware application. HELP_R.PDF On-line documentation. README_R.TXT Installation directions, upgrade information, and license agreement. ATM.INI Configuration information for the version of ATM installed with Reader. ACROREAD.INI Configuration information for Reader. ~ACROBAT.TMP A temporary file used by the installer. It is deleted the first time Acrobat Reader is launched. ADOBEACR.GRP Windows group where acrobat items are displayed. ATMFONTS.QLC ATM QuickLoad file. This file contains a list of installed fonts and font metrics of recently used fonts, which reduces Windows startup time. It is updated every time you exit Windows. SY______ PFB Symbol outline font. ZD______ PFB Zaph Dingbats outline font. ZX______ PFB Sans serif multiple master substitution outline font. ZY______ PFB Serif multiple master substitution outline font. SY______ PFM Symbol character metrics data. ZD______ PFM Zaph Dingbats character metrics data. ZX______ PFM Sans Serif multiple master substitution font metrics data. ZX______ MMM Sans serif multiple master metrics file. ZY______ PFM Serif multiple master substitution font metrics data. ZY______ MMM Serif multiple master metrics file. ATM32.DLL Adobe Type Manager 3.01 program file for 386 Enhanced mode Windows. ATMSYS.DRV Adobe Type Manager 3.01 system driver. CHANGES MADE TO THE WIN.INI AND SYSTEM.INI FILES During the Acrobat Reader installation, the following line is added to the [extensions] section of the WIN.INI file: PDF=C:\ACROREAD\ACROREAD.EXE ^.PDF This allows the user to double-click on a file with a .PDF extension to launch Acrobat Reader and open the file. The following line is added to the [Adobe Display] section: UseGDI=1 NOTE: If there is no [Adobe Display] section heading, the installer adds it as well as the UseGDI=1" line. The number "1" in the "UseGDI=1" setting tells Acrobat Reader to use Windows features to accelerate screen redraw. However, with some video displays, this may cause problems. The setting can be changed to "0" to disable the "UseGDI=" setting if video compatibility problems arise. The following lines are added to the users [boot] section of their SYSTEM.INI file if they do not already exist. system.drv=atmsys.drv atm.system.drv=system.drv These lines load ATM when Windows is launched. INSTALLING ACROBAT READER 2.0 WHEN AN EARLIER VERSION OF ACROBAT READER IS INSTALLED The Acrobat Reader Installer does not remove obsolete Reader 1.0 components (e.g., help files, ReadMe files, etc.). When Acrobat Reader 2.0 is installed in a different directory from the one in which Acrobat Reader 1.0 is installed, neither application?s performance is af-fected. INSTALLING ACROBAT READER WHEN A VERSION OF ATM EARLIER THAN 3.01 HAS BEEN INSTALLED When Acrobat Reader 2.0 is installed into a system with a full version of ATM earlier than version 3.01, the alert "The current version of Adobe Type Manager (ATM) on your system is not compatible with Adobe Acrobat 2.0. You may partially upgrade your verson of ATM at this time, or you may call Adobe at 1-800-83-FONTS for a full upgrade." appears. Selecting "OK" to partially upgrade ATM allows ATM and Acrobat to run only in Windows 386 Enhanced Mode. If "Cancel" is selected, Acrobat will not run. CHANGES MADE AFTER SELECTING "OK" TO PARTIALLY UPGRADE ATM - If the version of ATM being upgraded is 2.6, references to the substitution multiple master fonts AdobeSansXMM and AdobeSerifMM are replaced by references to the newer AdobeSanMM and AdobeSerMM multiple master fonts. - ATM sections new to ATM 3.01 are added to the current ATM.INI. - Sections of .INI files concerning printer drivers are not updated. - The ATM control panel application is not removed or updated. The older control panel should continue to function with ATM 3.01, but using a mismatched driver and control panel is not supported by Adobe. If problems are encountered, upgrade to full ATM by calling 1-800-83-FONTS. - A new ATM32.DLL and ATMSYS.DRV are added to the WINDOWS\SYSTEM directory. DEFAULT .INI FILE LISTINGS Acrobat Reader has its own .INI file, ACROREAD.INI, which is first written to contain only the following information: [Oem] OEM1=For product information and online help, OEM2=please see the file HELP_R.PDF in OEM3=the Acrobat(tm) Reader Help folder. When Acrobat Reader is first launched, the following lines are added to the ACROREAD.INI file: [AdobeViewer] User=John Smith MaxDoc=1 MaxApp=1 ShortMenu=0 ShowToolbar=1 MaxPageCacheZoom=131072 MinPageCacheTicks=12 MaxPageCacheBytes=4194304 FullScrolling=0 DefaultSplitterPos=140 ThreadIndicator=180 DrawMissingThumbs=0 ThumbViewScale=8192 ThumbViewTimeout=120 DefaultFitType=FitR DefaultInheritZoom=0 MaxCosDocCache=200000 DefaultOverviewType=1 CaseSensitive=0 WholeWords=0 UseDIC=0 CustomColor0=16777215 CustomColor1=16777215 CustomColor2=16777215 CustomColor3=16777215 CustomColor4=16777215 CustomColor5=16777215 CustomColor6=16777215 CustomColor7=16777215 CustomColor8=16777215 CustomColor9=16777215 CustomColor10=16777215 CustomColor11=16777215 CustomColor12=16777215 CustomColor13=16777215 CustomColor14=16777215 CustomColor15=16777215 The first time "OK" is selected in the "General Preferences" dialog box under the Edit menu, the following lines are added to the ACROREAD.INI file: DefaultMag=100 DefaultMagType=0 GreekThreshold=6 GreekText=1 Chameleons=0 ShowLargeDIBS=1 PageUnits=1 SkipDeleteWarnings=0 DisplayAboutDialog=1 UsePageCache=1 MaxThreadZoom=200 SkipOpenDialog=0 The first time "OK" is selected in the "Full Screen Preferences" dialog box under the Edit menu, the following lines are added to the ACROREAD.INI file: FullScreenColor=0 DefaultSlideTimer=5 UseSlideTimer=0 ForceTBHidden=0 WrapSlideShowPages=1 Description of .INI File Functions and Settings Unless stated otherwise, lines with invalid values are ignored, and the default value, as shown in the ACROREAD.INI file above, is used. NOTE: Some of the following .INI functions are described as "Reserved" to indicate the entries relate to a feature or plug-in that has not yet been implemented. "Reserved" .INI entries should not be altered in any way. [Oem] These lines appear on the splash screen when Reader starts. User The name typed by the user into the installer dialog box during installation. Appears on the splash screen when Reader starts. MaxDoc Controls default size of displayed document windows. If "MaxDoc=1," documents are Maximized. If "MaxDoc=0," documents are cascaded. MaxApp Sets the default size for the application window. If "MaxApp=1," the application window size is Maximized (full screen). If "MaxApp=0," application window size and position is Determined by Windows. ShortMenu Ignored by Reader. ShowToolBar If "ShowToolBar=1," Reader displays the toolbar, if "ShowToolBar=0," the toolbar is initially hidden. The setting can be changed by selecting "Show Toolbar" or "Hide Toolbar" from the Window menu. MaxPageCacheZoom Sets the maximum page magnification at which caching will occur. MinPageCacheTicks Sets the time threshold for page caching in 1/12ths of seconds. If a page draws in less than this amount of time, the page will not be cached. MaxPageCacheBytes Sets the size of the page cache in bytes. FullScrolling If "FullScrolling=1," the scrolling region on each page is made larger, so that when using the elevator thumb or page down key, it is possible to scroll past the bottom of a page before it turns to the next page. This setting does not affect documents whose pages fit completely within the display. If "FullScrolling=0," the page is set for a normal scrolling region. DefaultSplitterPos The value, in pixels, which sets the horizontal position of the boarder which divides the document area and the overview area when book-marks or thumbnails are being displayed. Any value smaller than the minimum value of 100 is rounded up (clamped) to 100. ThreadIndicator Reserved DrawMissingThumbs Reserved ThumbViewScale Sets the display size of thumbnails. The default of 8192 is roughly 12% of actual size. 65535 is 100%. 2000, or about 3%, is the minimum size. Invalid values will be clamped. ThumbViewTimeout Reserved DefaultFitType Reserved DefaultInheritZoom Reserved MaxCosDocCache Reserved DefaultOverviewType Default pagemode if one is not specified in the PDF file. value meaning 0 viewer takes no action 1 page is displayed 2 page and thumbnails are displayed 3 page and bookmarks are displayed 4 full screen mode CaseSensitive If "CaseSensitive=0," case-sensitive searching is disabled by default. If "CaseSensitive=1," case-sensitive searching is enabled. This setting can be overridden in the "Find" dialog box, but for the current session only (i.e., the ACROREAD.INI file is not updated). WholeWords If "WholeWords=0," "Match Whole Word Only" searching is disabled by default. If "WholeWords=1," "Match Whole Word Only" is enabled. This setting can overridden in the "Find" dialog box, but for the current session only (i.e., the ACROREAD.INI file is not updated). UseDIC Reserved CustomColorx (where x is a number from 0-15) Reserved. The remaining ACROREAD.INI value settings can be set in Acrobat Reader by selecting a new value in the "General Preferences" or "Full Screen Preferences" dialog boxes. DefaultMag If the PDF being opened does not have a default magnification speci-fied in it, the value listed here will be used when "DefaultMagType=0." Valid values are 12 to 800. Values outside this range will be clamped. DefaultMagType Specifies the magnification type. "DefaultMagType=0" uses the DefaultMag value, "DefaultMagType=1" displays at "Fit Page" magnifi-cation, "DefaultMagType=2" displays at "Fit Width" magnification, "DefaultMagType=4" displays at "Fit Visible" magnification. If the "DefaultMagType=" number is invalid, Acrobat Reader assumes a value of 1. GreekThreshold Minimum height of text, in pixels, before Reader will render character shapes. Text below this size will display as a colored bar. Ignored if GreekText is set to 0. GreekText If "GreekText=1," Acrobat Reader will greek text below GreekThreshold pixels. If "GreekText=0," text is rendered no matter what its size. Chameleons Font(s) to use when a font required by a PDF is not available. If "Cha-meleons= 0," Both Serif and Sans Serif are used, if "Chameleons=1," only Sans Serif is used and if "Chameleons=2," only Serif is used. ShowLargeDIBS If "ShowLargeDIBS=1," Acrobat Reader will draw all graphics. If "ShowLargeDIBS=0," Acrobat Reader will only draw graphics that consume less than 4K of space within the PDF before decompression. PageUnits Default measurement system. Acrobat Reader uses points if "PageUnits=0," inches if "PageUnits=1," and millimeters if "PageUnits=2." SkipDeleteWarnings Ignored by Reader. DisplayAboutDialog The Acrobat Reader splash screen is displayed during startup if "DisplayAboutDialog=1," and is not displayed if "DisplayAboutDialog=0." UsePageCache Page caching is enabled if "UsePageCache-1," and is disabled if "UsePageCache=0." MaxThreadZoom Maximum magnification to use when viewing in fit visible magnification. Valid values are between 12 to 800. Invalid values will be clamped. SkipOpenDialog If Acrobat is launched and no PDF is specified on the command line, Reader will display an open dialog if "SkipOpenDialog=0." If "SkipOpenDialog=1," a blank workspace is displayed. FullScreenColor Color to use as a background when displaying in full screen mode. Uses standard Windows color numbering system. DefaultSlideTimer Time, in seconds to wait between slides. Use "SlideTimer=" setting must be set to 1 to be used. UseSlideTimer If "UseSlideTimer=1," enabling full screen mode activates an automatic slide show, switching slides at intervals specified by the "DefaultSlideTimer" setting. ForceTBHidden Ignored. WrapSlideShowPages When "UseSlideTimer=1 (on)," setting "WrapSlideShowPages=" to a number other than 0 will cause the pages of the PDF to be looped endlessly. Set "WrapSlideShowPages=0" to disable looping and allow Acrobat Reader to exit from full screen mode when all pages have been displayed. The Acrobat Reader Installer creates an ATM.INI containing the below entries if an ATM.INI does not already exist. If an ATM.INI file already exists, lines shown below, which do not exist in the current ATM.INI, are added. [Settings] Private=On ATMIcon=off TmpDir=C:\DOS TmpCount=0 QLCDir=C:\WINDOWS ATM=off FontCache=256 SynonymPSBegin=9 Version=3.01 [Aliases] Helv=Helvetica Tms Rmn=Times Roman=Times Modern=Helvetica [Synonyms] Helv=Helvetica Tms Rmn=Times [OldScreenFonts] Helv=Yes Tms Rmn=Yes Courier=Yes [ATMVersions] pm5app=2.60 [DisablePSBD] Acroexch=Yes Acroread=Yes XPress=Yes Wpwin60=Yes wpwprint=Yes FLW2=Yes [Mono] Courier=Yes LetterGothic=Yes PrestigeElite=Yes Orator=Yes [Fonts] Symbol=C:\WINDOWS\PFM\SY______.PFM,C:\WINDOWS\SY______.PFB ZapfDingbats=C:\WINDOWS\PFM\ZD______.PFM,C:\WINDOWS\ZD______.PFB AdobeSanMM=C:\WINDOWS\PFM\ZX______.PFM,C:\WINDOWS\ZX______.PFB AdobeSerMM=C:\WINDOWS\PFM\ZY______.PFM,C:\WINDOWS\ZY______.PFB [MMFonts] AdobeSanMM=C:\WINDOWS\PFM\ZX______.MMM,C:\WINDOWS\ZX______.PFB AdobeSerMM=C:\WINDOWS\PFM\ZY______.MMM,C:\WINDOWS\ZY______.PFB NOTE: For more information on the ATM.INI file, see the file TECHREF.WRI included with most copies of ATM 3.0x. A few lines specific to the Acrobat installer are discussed here. ATM If "ATM= on" then ATM is available to all applications. If "ATM=off," ATM is either completely or partially disabled, depending on how the "Private" line is set. Private When "ATM=" is set to off, "Private=on" makes ATM available to Acrobat, but no other applications. When "Private=off," ATM not be available to Acrobat Reader, preventing Reader from launching. This line is used only by Acrobat and will not be present in the ATM.INI unless Acrobat has been installed. ATMIcon If "ATMIcon=on," ATM displays its icon at startup, If "ATMIcon=off," it does not. MANUALLY INSTALLING ACROBAT READER It is recommended to install Acrobat Reader using the Acrobat Reader installer. However, in some cases a custom install is required. Manually installing Acrobat Reader: 1. The ACROGRAF.DLL, ACROCORE.DLL, ACROREAD.EXE, VIEWLIB.DLL, and README_R.TXT must all be installed into the same directory. Item 3 of the Adobe Acrobat Reader License agreement requires the agreement be distributed with the Acrobat Reader software. The license agreement can be found in the README_R.TXT file. The HELP_R.PDF is not required but is strongly recommended. 2. An ATM.INI must be present in the WINDOWS directory, and have the information necessary for Acrobat to locate all the fonts normally installed with Reader. Refer to the TECHREF.WRI file included with many copies of ATM to learn what lines of the ATM.INI file are required for a particular installation. 3. An ACROREAD.INI file is recommended, but not required. Acrobat will create one if it is not present. 4. The following printer fonts and font metric files must be installed and pointed to by the ATM. INI file: SY______ PFB, ZD______ PFB, ZX______ PFB, ZY______ PFB, SY______ PFM, ZD______ PFM, ZX______ PFM, ZX______ MMM, ZY______ PFM, and ZY______ MMM. 5. ATM32.DLL and ATMSYS.DRV files for ATM 3.01 or later must be installed. Lines must be added to the SYSTEM.INI file so the driver loads with Windows. NOTE: It is recommended to always try using the Adobe Installer instead of a manual installation to Acrobat Reader. Adobe Technical Support cannot help with manual installa-tions of Acrobat Reader because there are too many variables in performing a correct custom installation. Reference: 7/16/98 4:35:46 PM
Last Modified: 01-SEP-99