Technical Information Database TI1381D.txt - The DocInput Object: Properties and Methods Category :Delphi 2.x Platform :All Windows Product :Delphi2.x, Description: The DocInput Object is an object from the NetMasters Internet Solutions Pack deployed with Delphi 2.01. It descibes the input information for a document being transferred to the control. All of the internet controls in the suite that can receive a doc use this object as a property. The DocInput Object has the following properties: BytesTotal, BytesTransferred, DocLink, FileName, Headers, PushStreamMode, State and Suspended. BytesTotal is the total byte count of the item to be transmitted. The default or initial value is zero. The data type is a Long. It is a runtime and read only property. This value is obtained from the header property content-length. This value is used by the control to determine the amount of information to be transferred. It is also accessible to you to manage the buffer that you will use to re-assemble the data after transfer. The BytesTransferred property is a property given to you inside the OnDocInput event. It is a runtime read only property that is of type long. It is set to zero when a new transfer begins. It is updated at the beginning of the OnDocInput Event. This value will reflect the value of the last transfer when no other transfer is in progress. The BytesTransferred property can be used to show progress on a progress bar or to confirm that the actual amount transferred corresponds to that which is expected. The DocLink property tells the receiving control that the source of the document will not be a sent via data streaming or via an input file. It references a DocOutput.DocLink property which becomes the source of data in the transfer. This property is a read/write property that is runtime only. The property is of type DocLink. It is a string type and the defaultvalue is ''. When the DocLink property is set to a value other than '', the FileName property is automatically set to ''. This property is used to specify a source that is an internet control that has a DocOutput.DocLink property set to correspond with it (i.e. they are used in pairs). The FileName property is a read/write runtime only property that is of type string. It' default value is''. It must be a valid filename. This property can be set by passing it as an argument to a DocInput object. If this property is set to a value other than '', then the DocLink property is set to ''. The Headers property is a runtime readonly property. The "headers"is a collection of DocHeader items that define the doc being transferred. The contents of the headers property should be modified before calling the GetDoc method. Each DocHeader represents a MultiPurpose Internet Mail Extension(MIME). Mime is the mechanism for specifying and describing the format of Internet Message Bodies. (See rfc1341 for details). The headers used depend on the protocol used but two are common to all protocols: 1. content-type content type indicates the MIME specification of the ensuing document. "text/plain" is an example of this. 2. content-length content length indicates the size of the documents in bytes. The state property is a runtime read only property of the enumerated type DocStateConstants. The default value is icDocNone. The state property is updated by the control itself each time the DocInput event is activated. The suspended property is a runtime read only property that is of type boolean. It is set by calling the suspend method. If it is set to true transfer is suspended. The PushStream property is a read/write, runtime only property that is of the type boolean. The default value is false. If the FileName or DocLink properties are set to values other than '' then the PushStream property is not accessible. The DocInput object has 4 methods: GetData, PushStream, SetData and Suspend. The GetData method tells the DocInput object to retrieve the current block of data when the DocOutput event is activated. This method can only be called during the OnDocInput event and only when the State property is set to icDocData(3). When using the FileName or DocLink properties this method may be used to examine data during transfer. The PushStream method should only be called when the PushStreamMode has been set to true and when data is available. PushStream sets the State property based on the next step of the document transfer and activates the DocInput event when appropriate. It then returns to wait for the next call to PushStream. SetData chould be called before calling PushStream. The SetData method specifies the next data buffer to be transferred when the DocInput event is activated. SetData is called during a DocInput event or before calling SendDoc. If it is used before calling SendDoc then it is an alternative to sending the InputData parameters to InputData. The type should be specified as a variant. The Suspend method takes the form suspend(true) or suspend(false). If the method has been called true twice then it must be called false twice to resume transfer. This is some example code on how to use the DocInput Object. The full program that this code is from can be seen in the demos sub directory of the Delphi 2.01 CD-Rom. The project name is SimpMail.dpr. This example is a great exapmle of using the headers property of the object. The DocInput event also shows proper use and testing of the State property. {Clear and repopulate MIME headers, using the component's DocInput property. A separate DocInput OLE object could also be used. See RFC1521/1522 for completeinformation on MIME types.} procedure TMainForm.CreateHeaders; begin with SMTP1 do begin DocInput.Headers.Clear; DocInput.Headers.Add('To', eTo.Text); DocInput.Headers.Add('From', eHomeAddr.Text); DocInput.Headers.Add('CC', eCC.Text); DocInput.Headers.Add('Subject', eSubject.Text); DocInput.Headers.Add('Message-Id', Format('%s_%s_%s', [Application.Title,DateTimeToStr(Now), eHomeAddr.Text])); DocInput.Headers.Add('Content-Type', 'TEXT/PLAIN charset=US-ASCII'); end; end; {Send a simple mail message} procedure TMainForm.SendMessage; begin CreateHeaders; with SMTP1 do SendDoc(NoParam, DocInput.Headers, reMessageText.Text, '', ''); end; {Send a disk file. Leave SendDoc's InputData parameter blank and specify a filename for InputFile to send the contents of a disk file. You can use the DocInput event and GetData methods to do custom encoding (Base64, UUEncode, etc.) } procedure TMainForm.SendFile(Filename: string); begin CreateHeaders; with SMTP1 do begin DocInput.Filename := FileName; SendDoc(NoParam, DocInput.Headers, NoParam, DocInput.FileName, ''); end; end; {The DocInput event is called each time the DocInput state changes during a mail transfer. DocInput holds all the information about the current transfer, including the headers, the number of bytes transferred, and the message data itself. Although not shown in this example, you may call DocInput's SetData method if DocInput.State = icDocData to encode the data before each block is sent.} procedure TMainForm.SMTP1DocInput(Sender: TObject; const DocInput: Variant); begin case DocInput.State of icDocBegin: SMTPStatus.SimpleText := 'Initiating document transfer'; icDocHeaders: SMTPStatus.SimpleText := 'Sending headers'; icDocData: if DocInput.BytesTotal > 0 then SMTPStatus.SimpleText := Format('Sending data: %d of %d bytes (%d%%)', [Trunc(DocInput.BytesTransferred), Trunc(DocInput.BytesTotal), Trunc(DocInput.BytesTransferred/DocInput.BytesTotal*100)]) else SMTPStatus.SimpleText := 'Sending...'; icDocEnd: if SMTPError then SMTPStatus.SimpleText := 'Transfer aborted' else SMTPStatus.SimpleText := Format('Mail sent to %s (%d bytes data)', [eTo.Text,Trunc(DocInput.BytesTransferred)]); end; SMTPStatus.Update; end; Reference: 3/30/99 12:43:15 PM
Last Modified: 01-SEP-99