Article #16447: How to Get the Most Out of DBDEMOS

 Technical Information Database

TI1447D.txt - How to Get the Most Out of DBDEMOS

Category   :Delphi 2.x
Platform   :All Windows
Product    :Delphi2.x,   


  To most Delphi Developers, DBDEMOS is just an alias, but this TI 
will show that DBDEMOS is more than just sample tables.  Included 
with Delphi 2.0 is the Delphi Demo Explorer where you can easily 
choose to view a wide range of sample applications, based on concept 
or by example.  Also included in this TI is a directory listing of 
where to find various other examples and demonstrations included with 
the Delphi 2.0 CD.

  This TI is aimed at all developers, from beginning to master 
programmers.  Although beginners will be able to run though these 
examples in order to grasp fundamental Delphi concepts, the master 
programmers can use this as a reference sheet in order to gain more 
experience and to research further in any particular area.  

The Demo Explorer allows you to browse through a database of all 
Delphi demonstration programs.  As outlined in 
\info\Borland\Demoexpl\Readdx.Txt on the Delphi 2.0 CD, follow the 
directions below to install the Delphi 2.0 Demo Explorer:

1.  Close Delphi 2.0 if it is running.
2.  Create a \DemoExpl directory off of the directory in which you
    installed Delphi 2.0.
    (i.e., c:\Program Files\Borland\Delphi 2.0\DemoExpl).
3.  Copy all of the files from the \info\borland\demoexpl directory 
    of the Delphi 2.0 CD-ROM to the directory you created in step 1.
4.  Use the Run option from the Start menu to run the REGEDIT 
    application.  Find:
    key by expanding the tree view in the left pane of the Registry 
    Editor window. If you have no experts key then you must create
5.  Highlight the Experts key in the left pane, and right click on 
    the right pane of the Registry Editor window.  From the local 
    menu, select New|String value, enter "DemoExplorer" as the new 
    value, and press the Enter key.
6.  Right click on DemoExplorer in the right pane, and select Modify 
    from the local menu.  This will invoke the Edit String dialog.  
    In this dialog, enter the full path from step 1 followed by 
    "\demoexpl.dll".  For example:
    c:\Program Files\Borland\Delphi 2.0\DemoExpl\demoexpl.dll.
7.  Demo Explorer is now installed.  Run Delphi 2.0, and you can 
    invoke Demo Explorer by selecting "Explore Sample Applications" 
    from the Help menu.

1.  \Demos\DB contains 17 directories of demonstration database
    related projects.
2.  \Doc
    a) \Dataedit
    b) \DBCal
3.  \Demos\Data contains Interbase, Paradox, dBase tables, indexes, 
    validation, memos, bitmaps.
4.  \Iblocal\Examples contains Interbase tables Employee.GDB and 
    INTlemp.GDB for Delphi 1.0.
5.  \IntrBase\Examples) contains Interbase tables Employee.GDB and 
    INTlemp.GDB for Delphi 2.0.
6.  \Source\Samples
    a) Ibctrls.pas
    b) IBEvents.pas
    c) IBProc32.pas

1.  Animals:  
    Simplest possible example using data aware controls 
    and a dBase table.  See also FishFact.
2.  BDEDLL: 
    Demonstrates use of the BDE within a DLL for Delphi 
    1.0. If the customer is having trouble with a DLL that uses BDE 
    they may check the comments in these two projects.  Note:  If 
    "DB" appears in the uses clause of a unit, they are using BDE.
    This is because DB.PAS contains an initialization section that 
    automatically starts the Borland Database Engine.  For example, 
    if a data aware control is dropped on the form, DB will be added 
    to the uses clause, and when the application is run, BDE will 
    start, even if the data aware control is removed at a later time.
3.  CalcFlds: 
    Demonstrates assigning values to calculated fields 
    where looking into a secondary table is necessary.
4.  Datalist: 
    Populates list boxes with list of available 
    databases, tables, fields and indexes for a given session.
5.  DBAware1: 
    Demos the use of TDBEdit, TDBComboBox, and TDBListbox. 
6.  DBAware2: 
    Demos the use of TDBLookupCombo and TDBLookupList. 
    The use of TDBLookupCombo and TDBLookupList are commonly 
    misunderstood - this project shows these controls being used for 
    their intended use.
7.  FishFact:  
    Simplest possible example using data aware controls 
    and a Paradox table.  See also Animals.
8.  Format: 
    Though not specifically a database application, this 
    project demonstrates the use of the Format function to manipulate 
    the display of floating point numbers.
9.  InsQuery: 
    Demonstrates inserting and deleting records from a 
    server table using SQL statements containing parameters.
10. LinkQry: 
    Displays two grids of master and detail records 
    where the relationship between the master and child tables is 
    performed through a parameterized query.
11. MastApp: 
    A complete order entry system with functionality to 
    add, modify, browse and report on orders, customers, parts, and 
    items.  Also contains application help, and comments within the 
    main unit on upsizing from the default Paradox to Interbase.
12. QJoin: 
    An example of joining two tables using SQL statements.  
    Displays customer and order records where customer numbers match.
13. Range: 
    Demonstrates the use of SetRangeStart, SetRangeEnd, 
    ApplyRange, and CancelRange.
14. Search: 
    Demonstrates a single search for customer number 
    executed from a button click.
15. Stocks: 
    Stock charting application including Market Browser, 
    Industry Charts, Customer Details, Customer Charts, and 
    reporting.  The projects demonstrates dynamically population of 
    combo boxes used in turn for dynamically created SQL statements  
    and Chart FX.
16. Tools: 
    Review the Readme.txt file in this directory for more 
    information on setting up these projects.  Here's an excerpt from 
    the read me:
    * These demos show examples of:
    * An example database MDI application (DBBROWSE.DPR)
    * An example database popup application (SQLMON.DPR)
    * An example of how to derive new database components for the 
      Borland Database Engine system tables (BDETABLES.PAS)
    * An example of how to use the database error stack available in 
      the VCL exception class EDbEngineError.  This exception is 
      raised when a Borland Database Engine error occurs (DBEXCEPT.*)
17. TwoForms: 
    Shows data aware controls on two forms kept in sync 
    by accessing a common dataset control (a TTable) located on the 
    first form.

1.  BdQuery: 
    Demonstrates how to execute a query in a background thread.
2.  CachedUp: 
    This example demonstrates how cached updates can be 
    used with live data and in conjunction with the UpdateSQL 
    component for non-live data.  See About.txt in this same 
    directory for more information.
3.  CsDemos: 
    Demonstrates Client/Server concepts, including 
    triggers, stored procedures executed from both TStoredProc and 
    TQuery, and transactions.
4.  CtrlGrid: 
    A Stock browser showing detail data in a TDBCtrlGrid.
5.  DbErrors: 
    This example represents a sampling of the way that 
    you might approach trapping a number of database errors.  See 
    comments in the data module of this project.
6.  Filter: 
    Customer/Orders browser allowing a number of query 
    and table based filters. A second form allows building and 
    executing filters over the customer table at runtime.
7.  Find: 
    Demonstrates record location and incremental searches 
    on filtered and un filtered tables.  Includes examples of 
    FindNearest, Locate, and GoToCurrent usage.
8.  GdsDemo: 
    Order entry application for "Global Diving Supply" 
    with grid and single record views..  This project allows you to 
    experiment with the effects of form inheritance. The project 
    contains two sets of both grid and single record forms which 
    allows you to change the "GDS standard" form and watch the 
    effects on the inherited form.  The project also demonstrates 
    techniques for calculating fields,  record filtering, and 
    locating records that match the filter, using FindFirst, 
    FindNext, FindPrior, or FindLast.
9.  IBDemo: 
    Demonstrates listing, registering, and generating 
    InterBase events.  The project also includes the TIbEventAlerter 
    component from the samples component palette page.
10. Lookup: 
    Example of "lookup" TFields that allow for drop down 
    combos within a TDBGrid.  This feature currently available in 
    Delphi 2.0. 
11. NavMDI: 
    Master and detail data displayed on separate MDI 
    forms, and navigator displayed in the MDI parent.
12. NavSDI: 
    Navigator, master and detail each displayed on separate forms.
13. NdxBuild: 
    Utility to rebuild indexes for one or all tables 
    within a given alias.  Contains code using the BDE API (the 
    dbiRegenIndexes function ), application level exception handler, 
    and listing of alias for a given session.
14. QBFDemo: 
    This example shows a way to provide users with the 
    ability to define their own queries.  If your query returns 
    records, then a Results Viewer displays those results; otherwise, 
    you'll receive a message indicating that no records matched the 


3/30/99 2:56:03 PM

Last Modified: 01-SEP-99