Article #19039: TA - TYPE in IDEAL MODE

 Technical Notes Database

TN4039C.txt   TA  - TYPE in IDEAL MODE
Category   :Pascal
Platform    :All
Product    :TD  1.x 2.0

Q.   Why does TYPE in IDEAL mode not behave as documented in the
     TASM reference manual?
A.   In IDEAL mode TYPE acts as a type cast and can be used
     in an expression with PTR to force the operand to have
     a specified type.  For example, consider the following:
     bvarbyte     db  ?
     bvarword     dw  ?
     mov al, [TYPE bvarbyte PTR bvarword]
     ; the above expression is the same as
     mov al,[BYTE PTR bvarword]


7/2/98 10:45:33 AM

Last Modified: 01-SEP-99