Technical Notes Database TN4040C.txt TA - CREATING A .COM FILE TLINK /V Category :Pascal Platform :All Product :TD 1.x 2.0 Description: Q. How do I create a .COM file from my .ASM file? Whenever I try to create the .COM with TLINK /t I always get the message invalid entry point. I can create the .COM file with EXE2BIN. A. In order to create a .COM file with TLINK /t you must specify an entry point at offset 100h in the file with both the ORG and END directives. The following code fragment demonstrates the required conditions. Also, a .COM file may not exceed 64K in size, may not have any segment-relative fixups, may not define a stack segment, and must have a starting address equal to 0:100h. When an extension other than .COM is used for the executable file (.BIN, for example),the starting address may be either 0:0 or 0:100h. .model tiny .code ORG 100H start: ;this will be the entry point at 100H . . . END start ;specify the entry point with END or mycode SEGMENT 'CODE' assume cs:mycode,ds:mycode,ss:mycode ORG 100H start: . . . mycode ends end start Reference: 7/2/98 10:45:33 AM
Last Modified: 01-SEP-99