Technical Notes Database TN4041C.txt TA - DEBUG .COM FILE Category :Pascal Platform :All Product :TD 1.x 2.0 Description: Q. How do you debug a .COM file? I can debug my program as an exe file but not as a com file. A. Due to the structure of a .COM file it cannot contain debug information. When you specify a file to be debugged the Turbo Debugger first looks for an exe file and then for a .COM file. The debugger will look for a symbol table in a file of the same name with a .TDS extension. You can create such a file with the utility TDSTRIP. By using the -c (create .COM file) and -s(put symbol table in .TDS file) options you can create a com file and symbol table file in one step. The line TDSTRIP -c -s exefilename creates and exefilename.tds. Note that the -c and -s must be separated by a space. Reference: 7/2/98 10:45:33 AM
Last Modified: 01-SEP-99