Technical Notes Database TN4042C.txt TA - NONFUNCTIONAL CONDITIONAL BREAKPOINT Category :Pascal Platform :All Product :TD 1.x 2.0 Description: Q. How do I get my conditional breakpoint to work? I know that the condition is true but it still will not break. A. If when using the conditional breakpoints and expression true condition the break does not occur, check to be sure that the condition is really true by evaluating the expression in the evaluate window. For example, the following will not break correctly. .data nptr dw ? .code start: mov ax,@data mov ds,ax mov [nptr], 0fffH mov dx,5 ;set a conditional break here ;break if the expression ds:[WORD PTR nptr] EQ 0fffh ;this break will fail ;if you evaluate this expression in the evaluate ;window it will evaluate to false. This particular ;expression requires parenthesis around the ds:expression ;to bind the segment overide to the memory referencing ;expression ;The correct syntax is (ds:[WORD PTR nptr]) EQ 0fffh The key here is to use the evaluate window to see how the debugger is parsing the expression. Reference: 7/2/98 10:45:33 AM
Last Modified: 01-SEP-99