Technical Notes Database TN4045C.txt TD - HANGING ON NMI Category :Pascal Platform :All Product :TD 1.x 2.0 Description: Q. Why does the debugger give me an inital startup message, and then hang? Sometimes I get a message concerning the NMI. A. By default the debugger intercepts the NMI in order to allow one to break into the debugger with a breakout switch. When the breakout switch is activated an NMI is generated and the debugger regains control. If your hardware is using the NMI then there will be a compatibility problem as the debugger does not chain on the NMI. Run Tdinst and set NMI Intercept to NO in the Options menu. Be sure to save the changes to your TD.EXE by selecting SAVE/MODIFY TD.EXE. You must then erase any files as they will have the NMI Intercept set to YES and will overide the setting in TD.EXE. Reference: 7/2/98 10:45:34 AM
Last Modified: 01-SEP-99