Technical Notes Database TN4052C.txt TD - CPU VIEWER Category :Pascal Platform :All Product :TD 1.x 2.0 Description: Q. Why does the debugger always come up in the CPU viewer? A. Debugger always comes up in the CPU viewer. This can occur in several different situations. 1) The user may be able to open up the module viewer and view the source code but is unable to make the debugger come up viewing the source. If the module viewer can be opened with no error message then problem is merely an incorrect path in the config file, an incorrect source directory saved to td.exe or with tdinst, a /l (do not execute startup code when loading) command line option inadvertently saved to the config file when the user saved the options from within td, or the Display/Beginning Display option was set to Assembler from within tdinst and either saved to or to TD.EXE. 2) If there is an error such as "Source file Source.ext not found. Press ESC." when trying to open the module viewer. In this case there are two possible causes, either the file does not exist or the Options/Path For Source is set incorrectly. Have the user set the path from within the debugger and then open the module viewer. If that works then they need to create a or some other config file by either saving the current options or by running TDINST. It makes sense to have a in each working directory with a correct path for those applications. 3) The user has saved the current options to a configuration file while the CPU window is open. Reference: 7/2/98 10:45:34 AM
Last Modified: 01-SEP-99