Technical Notes Database TN4054C.txt TD - TD386 CANT LOAD VIRTUAL MODE Category :Pascal Platform :All Product :TD 1.x 2.0 Description: Q. Why do I get a message that I can't load td386 because the processor is already in virtual mode? A. There cannot be a program running in either virtual or protected mode when td386 is loaded. It has to be the only program running in virtual mode. There is probably a memory manager that runs in virtual or protected mode in the system. Examples of this type of program include, but are not limited to, 386^MAX, CEMM.SYS, and any of a number of drivers that allow, among other things, extended memory to emulate expanded memory. TD386 has a built in ems simulator that will allow td use a subset of the ems calls for its symbol table. This simulator is for td only. If the application must make ems calls, the user must have an ems driver that does not run in virtual or protected mode. Reference: 7/2/98 10:45:35 AM
Last Modified: 01-SEP-99