Article #19055: TD - TD and HP Vectra, unexpected interrupt 06

 Technical Notes Database

TN4055C.txt   TD  - TD and HP Vectra, unexpected interrupt 06
Category   :Pascal
Platform    :All
Product    :TD  1.x 2.0

Q.   When loading TD on an HP Vectra an unexpected interrupt 06
     is generated.
A.   We have contacted HP regarding this matter and they have
     offered a solution.  Part of the HP/HIL code uses an instruction
     that is illegal in virtual 8086 mode.  To word around this,
     run the HP Setup program.  At the first menu
     do not choose any of the selections.  Instead type "YADA" .
     You should now receive an 8 option screen.  Option 2 hp/hil
     defaults to on if this is set to off the unexpected interrupts 06
     will go away.


7/2/98 10:45:35 AM

Last Modified: 01-SEP-99