Technical Notes Database TN4059C.txt TD - ILLEGAL EXPRESSION HEX NUMBERS Category :Pascal Platform :All Product :TD 1.x 2.0 Description: Q. Why does the debugger give me an error when I enter a hex number in one of the prompt boxes? A. If a user reports a message like "Illegal expression", "illegal syntax", "extra input after expression ", it could be because they are trying to enter a number that ends with a "b" or "d" like 0ff0b or 0AED. If a number ending in a "b" or "d" is entered at any prompt in the debugger, it is assumed that the user is trying to overide the default radix or base. A number ending in b or d is assumed to be a binary or decimal number respectively. The user need only append a "H" to the end of the number, as in 0ff0bH or 0AEDH, if they are using assembler syntax or source language when debugging an assembler program. If a 'C' program is being debugged, it is important to prefix all hex numbers with the '0x" prefix. In general, when a message of this type is reported, one should examine the current syntax in the OPTIONS/LANGUAGE menu selection and make sure that the syntax being used corresponds to the language in the menu selection. Reference: 7/2/98 10:45:35 AM
Last Modified: 01-SEP-99