Article #19060: TLINK - TLINK /V

 Technical Notes Database

TN4060C.txt   TLINK  - TLINK /V
Category   :Pascal
Platform    :All
Product    :TD  1.x 2.0

Q.   Why does TLINK not accept the /v option?
A.     TLINK and /v option
     If tlink does not accept /v option it could be because an old
     version of tlink is in the path before the new version.
     For example, the new version could be in the TD directory
     and the old version in the TC directory.
     The following command would use the old version
     of TLINK.
     C:\TC\WORK>tlink /v myprog


7/2/98 10:45:35 AM

Last Modified: 01-SEP-99