Article #19063: TD386 and DOS 5.0 Compatibility

 Technical Notes Database

TN4063C.txt   TD386 and DOS 5.0 Compatibility
Category   :Pascal
Platform    :All
Product    :TD  2.01


TD386 ( & TF386 ) will hang on startup if you use DOS 5.0, and 
have the command:
in the CONFIG.SYS file.
This does not happen if DOS is not loaded HIGH.
The machine is hanging inside of the DOS program loader code.
When doing the equivalent to DOS=HIGH with DR-DOS 5.0, this problem 
does not occur.
All of the "new" commands to load device drivers & TSR's high in DOS
5.0 are incompatible with TD386, as they use V8086 mode ( ala QEMM &
386MAX). Note that loading device drivers & TSR's high is different
from DOS=HIGH , which loads the DOS kernel into the XMS high memory
area, and which does not use V8086 mode.


7/2/98 10:45:35 AM

Last Modified: 01-SEP-99