Technical Notes Database TN4063C.txt TD386 and DOS 5.0 Compatibility Category :Pascal Platform :All Product :TD 2.01 Description: TD386 ( & TF386 ) will hang on startup if you use DOS 5.0, and have the command: DOS=HIGH in the CONFIG.SYS file. This does not happen if DOS is not loaded HIGH. The machine is hanging inside of the DOS program loader code. When doing the equivalent to DOS=HIGH with DR-DOS 5.0, this problem does not occur. All of the "new" commands to load device drivers & TSR's high in DOS 5.0 are incompatible with TD386, as they use V8086 mode ( ala QEMM & 386MAX). Note that loading device drivers & TSR's high is different from DOS=HIGH , which loads the DOS kernel into the XMS high memory area, and which does not use V8086 mode. Reference: 7/2/98 10:45:35 AM
Last Modified: 01-SEP-99