Technical Information Database TI4531D.txt - Installing JPEG Components that Ship with Delphi 3 Category :Delphi 3.x Platform :All-32Bit Product :All32Bit, Description: Step 1 - Copying the JPEG files to your hard drive Insert your Delphi 3 CD in your CD-ROM drive. In the Explorer, browse to the INFO\EXTRAS directory. To copy the JPEG folder, drag and drop it from the Explorer to another folder, e.g. C:\MyStuff. All the JPEG files should now be in C:\MyStuff\JPEG. To make thing easier for us, now copy all the files from the C:\MyStuff\JPEG\OBJ folder to the C:\MyStuff\JPEG folder. Do this by, in the Explorer, selecting all the files in the C:\MyStuff\JPEG\OBJ. When all files are selected, right click and choose Copy. Then browse to C:\MyStuff\JPEG and choose Paste. Step 2 - Installing the JPEG components Launch Delphi 3.0 From Delphi's main menu, select Component | Install Component You'll should now see the "Install Component" dialog. Hit the Browse button next to the Unit file name box. In the "Unit file name" dialog, browse to C:\MyStuff\JPEG. Select the file named JPEG.PAS and hit Open. The Unit file name box should now be filled in properly. Make sure the Package file name is set to the Delphi User's Components package, which by default is in this location: C:\Program Files\Borland\Delphi 3\Lib\dclusr30.dpk Hit OK. You'll now see a "Confirm" dialog, saying that the package will be installed. Hit Yes. You should now see an "Information" dialog, saying that the package is installed. Exit the package editor and make sure you save the changes to the package. Step 3 - Using the JPEG component Simply drop down a TImage and load a JPEG into the Picture property. Also, make sure the JPEG unit is in the USES clause, so that the JPEG stuff is registered at run-time. Reference: 4/1/99 11:43:31 AM
Last Modified: 01-SEP-99