Technical Information Database TI4549D.txt - ShortCut Keys For Delphi Category :IDE Platform :All-32Bit Product :Delphi3.x, Delphi4.x, Description: Object Inspector ShortCut Keys Ctrl+DwnArr Makes the Object ComboBox drop Down and gives it focus. Ctrl+Tab Switches Between Events and Properties. Ctrl+Enter Executes a dialog associated with a property, makes an event handler procedure. Alt + DwnArr If the property is a drop down list, it will drop down this list. IDE ShortCutKeys F1 Displays context-sensitive Help F4 Run|Go to Cursor F5 Run|Toggle Breakpoint F7 Run|Trace Into F8 Run|Step Over F9 Run|Run F11 View|Object Inspector F12 View|Toggle Form/Unit Ctrl+F2 Run|Program Reset Ctrl+F3 View|Call Stack Ctrl+F4 Close the Focused Page in the Delphi Source Editor Ctrl+F5 Executes the Watch List and the Watch Properties dialogs Ctrl+F7 Executes the Evaluate Modify Dialog Ctrl+F9 Compile application Ctrl+F12 Executes the 'View Unit' Dialog Ctrl+Spc Brings up the Code Completion Window. Ctrl+Enter When Done in the Source Code Editor, it executes the Open Dialog Box and populates the file name with the word that the cursor was nearest to with an extension of .pas. It also opens up in the current directory. Ctrl+Home Top of Source File Ctrl+End End of Source File Ctrl+Del or Del Delete a component from the form Ctrl+C Copy Selected block to the Clipboard Ctrl+E Incremental Word search within a Source file. Searches one letter at a time. Also populates the word search edit box. Ctrl+F Full word search. this searches the Source file for a specific word. Ctrl+J Code Completion Window Ctrl+K+E Changes a word to lowercase Ctrl+K+F Capitalize word to the Left of cursor Ctrl+K+N Changes a block to uppercase Ctrl+K+O Changes a block to lowercase Ctrl+K+P Executes the Print Dialog Box Ctrl+K+R Reads a block from a file Ctrl+K+T Highlight word to the left of cursor Ctrl+K+W Writes a selected block to a file Ctrl+O+G Search|Go to line number Ctrl+O+O Inserts compiler options and directives Ctrl+O+U Toggles Upper/Lower case of highlighted text Ctrl+P Causes next character to be interpreted as an ASCII sequence Ctrl+R Search and Replace a word Ctrl+S Save a Source file Ctrl+T Delete a word at a time Ctrl+V Paste from the Clipboard Ctrl+X Cut Selected block to the Clipboard Ctrl+Y Delete a line of UNHIGHLIGHTED Source Code Ctrl+Z Undo Changes Ctrl+0 Goes to bookmark 0 Ctrl+1 Goes to bookmark 1 Ctrl+2 Goes to bookmark 2 Ctrl+3 Goes to bookmark 3 Ctrl+4 Goes to bookmark 4 Ctrl+5 Goes to bookmark 5 Ctrl+6 Goes to bookmark 6 Ctrl+7 Goes to bookmark 7 Ctrl+8 Goes to bookmark 8 Ctrl+9 Goes to bookmark 9 Ctrl+Shift+Spc Brings up the Code Parameters Window. Ctrl+Shift+G Creates and displays a GUID Ctrl+Shift+I Indents a highlighted block of text Ctrl+Shift+P Plays back a key macro Ctrl+Shift+R Records a key macro Ctrl+Shift+U OutDents a Highlighted block of text Ctrl+Shift+Y Deletes to the End of the Line. Ctrl+Shift+Z Redo Changes Ctrl+Shift+0 Sets or removes bookmark 0 Ctrl+Shift+1 Sets or removes bookmark 1 Ctrl+Shift+2 Sets or removes bookmark 2 Ctrl+Shift+3 Sets or removes bookmark 3 Ctrl+Shift+4 Sets or removes bookmark 4 Ctrl+Shift+5 Sets or removes bookmark 5 Ctrl+Shift+6 Sets or removes bookmark 6 Ctrl+Shift+7 Sets or removes bookmark 7 Ctrl+Shift+8 Sets or removes bookmark 8 Ctrl+Shift+9 Sets or removes bookmark 9 Alt+F4 Closes Focused Window Alt+F6 Switches between the last 2 objects that had focus in the IDE (i.e. the Form Designer and the Object Inspector or the Form and the Main Delphi Menu, or the Object Inspector and the Main Delphi Menu, etc..) Alt+F10 Executes a Right Click in the Source Code Editor Alt+F12 View Form as Text Alt+Spc Current Windows' System Menu Alt+0 Executes the Window List dialog Shift+F7 Trace to next Source Line Shift+F12 Executes the 'View Form' Dialog Shift+Alt+Arw Highlights a column of text. Highlighting a column of text using the mouse Hold down Alt+LeftMouseButton. Drag around to get a Highlighted Column... Moving Components in Design Time Highlight the desired component: Shift+DownArrow Increases the Components Height property. Shift+UpArrow Decreases the Components Height property. Shift+RightArrow Increases the Components Width property. Shift+LeftArrow Decreases the Components Width property. Ctrl+DownArrow Increases the Components Top property. Ctrl+UpArrow Decreases the Components Top property. Ctrl+RightArrow Increases the Components Left property. Ctrl+LeftArrow Decreases the Components Left property. Ctrl+Shift+DownArrow Increases the Components Top property by a grid snap space. Ctrl+Shift+UpArrow Decreases the Components Top property by a grid snap space. Ctrl+Shift+RightArrow Increases the Components Left property by a grid snap space. Ctrl+Shift+LeftArrow Decreases the Components Left property by a grid snap space. Delphi's TLB Editor Tip: If you Create an Interface, Method, Property, etc, you can Ctrl+C (copy) it to the windows Clipboard and then when you want to create a new one, you can Ctrl+V (paste) it from the windows clipboard... The Type Library Editor will create a new object of whatever type that you copied to the clipboard. Delphi's Package Editor Ctrl+S Save Package. Ctrl+B Compile Package. Ctrl+I Install Package. Ins Add Unit to package or add a required package to another packages Requires Page. Del Remove Package or Unit from a package. Enter View Required Unit/Package that is currently highlighted. SQL Explorer F2 Rename an Alias. F6 Switch between the Databases/Dictionary Tab and the Definition Tab. Ctrl+A Apply Changes. Ctrl+D Delete an Alias. Ctrl+M Rename an Alias. Ctrl+N Create a New Database Alias. Ctrl+P Previous View. Ctrl+R Refresh. Ctrl+S Copy an Alias and its settings to a new alias. (Save Foo as NewName)... Alt+F10 Executes a Right Click over the selected Item. Alt+BckSpc Cancel. ArrowKeys Use the Arrow Keys to navigate through the Alias List. Pressing the Right Arrow Key while an Alias is highlighted will attempt to connect to the associated Database. Reference: None 4/22/99 12:32:37 PM
Last Modified: 01-SEP-99