Article #19550: Installing and Using Delphi 3 Under NT4

 Technical Information Database

TI4550D.txt - Installing and Using Delphi 3 Under NT4

Category   :Install Issues
Platform   :Windows NT
Product    :Delphi3.x,   

This document applies to people who wish to install Delphi 3 on an NT4
system and have multiple users use that Delphi 3 installation on that
machine. For instance, you might want to install Delphi 3 as USER1,
and at a later time, USER2 wants to use Delphi 3 on the same machine,
and not have to log in as USER1.

It should be noted that Delphi 3 was never designed to do this, and
Borland makes no claims that it will work for all users on all
machines. If this document fails in your case, go with the suggestion
that always applies - install Delphi 3 to the same location as both
USER1 and USER2. (Of course, you'll still need all the rights
mentioned in this document even in the latter case.)

There's no need to be logged in as Administrator on NT4 in order to
install Delphi 3 on the system.

You will however need rights to do a lot of things, including:

    - Writing shared DLLs and OCXs to NT4's System32 directory
      (usually C:\WinNT\System32)

    - Writing registry entries to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE

    - Writing registry entries to HKEY_CURRENT_USER

    - Writing registry entries to HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT
      (part of registering OCXs)

If you're missing one of these rights, the installation will fail.

If you install as USER1, and USER2 wants to use Delphi 3, there are a
few things USER2 will need:
    - Access to C:\WinNT\System32

    - Access to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, specifically the Software\Borland
      registry keys

    - Access to HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT

    - Access to all Delphi 3 directories and subdirectories

On top of this you need to do this:
    - Copy (or move) the "Borland Delphi 3" group that was
      put in USER1's Start Menu to the USER2's Start Menu
      (or to All Users).

    - Export all the Borland keys from USER1's registry
      under HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Borland and import
      them to USER2's HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Borland.


4/1/99 11:47:18 AM

Last Modified: 01-SEP-99