Article #20385: How can I install Delphi on a Micron computer?

How can I install Delphi on a Micron computer?

It seems that the proprietary OS that is shipped with Micron conflicts 
with Delphi as well as some of the hardware drivers.  
Compiled here are a number of solutions that seem to 
resolve the issue.

1. Uninstall/Reinstall: Make sure that any directories and/or registry
keys that refer to Delphi have been removed during the uninstall process.
Before reinstalling, disable all software running in the background i.e.
anti-virus applications.  If using Win98, it is a good idea to turn down the
Hardware Acceleration to none before reinstalling.  If using Win95 boot into
safe-mode when reinstalling, and for WinNT 4.x boot into VGA-mode.

2.  Hard drive install: Copy the Runimage and Install directories from the
Delphi CD to the root of your hard drive.  Next, copy all the loose files at
the root of the CD to the root of your hard drive.  Make sure that the Runimage
and Install directories are the same size as the ones on the CD.  After
everything is copied over, but before you install, read the above
Uninstall/Reinstall section.

3.  If you are using a proprietary OS from Micron, and reinstalling a 
non-proprietary OS is out of the question, make sure you have all the latest 
updates.  Especially for the CD-ROM, video card drivers and system files.
The Micron web-site has a number of drivers, however you should go to
the video card/CD-ROM venders sites first.  You may need to go to the Microsoft
site also.  Once you have all the updates and drivers you may need to delete
the old drivers and reboot so the OS auto-detects the latest drivers for you.

4.  Network: If you have access to other non-Micron computers over a network
you may need to install from one of those machines.  There are a few ways of 
doing this.  Using the non-Micron's CD-ROM, run the setup.exe from the
non-micron computer and choose a directory on the Micron computer to install
into.  Or Map a drive to the non-micron's CD-ROM and install from there.  Or
use the same procedure as a hard drive install using the non-micron's hard
drive. Then map a drive to were you copied over the files and install from

5.  Reinstalling a non-proprietary version of your OS.  This is a worst case 
last effort scenario, but it has been a solution when none of the above worked.      

Last Modified: 04-JAN-00