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Borland History News

As you can see by the dates these are old news articles and the links probably don't work anymore.
I emailed a few times with Philippe Kahn, nice guy.

Philippe Kahn Resigns Borland Chairmanship - November 24, 1995
High court upholds reversal - Borland vs Lotus - January 16, 1996
Sun speeds up Java just in time - March 27, 1996
Borland adding support for Web - Delphi Developer 2.0 Update - June 3, 1996
Borland tries to blind Visual Basic - July 16, 1996
Starfish wants to close browser gap - June 5, 1996
Borland forges new link to Internet  - July 29, 1996
Borland is shipping IntraBuilder - September 25, 1996
Borland loses exec to Microsoft - September 26, 1996
Borland unloads Paradox - Corel - October 22, 1996
 Borland sets date for Java tool - October 31, 1996
Borland founder resigns from board - November 7, 1996
Borland won't give up on Delphi - January 29, 1997
Turbo Pascal 1.0 - 16 Years Old - Monday, November 29, 1999
A Turbo Pascal Tutorial - rank Borland - 1984, 1985 
Will The Real Frank Borland Please Stand Up? - Monday, February 22, 1999

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