Here you can change your font options and display options in the Delphi Code Editor.
Brief cursor shapes - uses Brief cursor shapes that when checked shows the small square like cursor and when unchecked shows the stick type of curesor.
Create backup
file - is a helpful feature if you feel you need to keep backups of
your project files. If you have not got a lot of hard disk space
you may not want to use this option becuse the backups made of your
can add up to a lot of disk space after a few months if you use Delphi
a lot.
You can easily
the backup files because Delphi puts a tilde charactor (~) before the
letter of the backup files extension when you Save.
Unit1.ddp -
Unit1.dfm -
Unit1.pas -
Preserve line ends - is used to reserves end-of-line position.
Zoom to full
- here you have the option of the Code Editor maximizing to full
screen or not maximizing to full screen.
If this option is
not checked and you click on the maximize button on the Code Editor
Bar you still will be able to see the IDE Main Menu and Component
Sort popup
menu - You can Right-Click on a unit tab and move the mouse cursor
down to the menu item Pages and you will see the unit tabs, if you
on one then that unit will be shown.
By default the unit
tabs are displayed in alphabetical order, the Sort popup pages
option allows you to change this to the order they were created.
The Margins and Gutter options allow you to select whether you want a visible right margin, visible gutter, set the gutter width and set the right margin of the Code editor.
You can also
the Code Editor font and size to settings what you prefer.
The Key Mappings Tab
The Key Mappings page is for you to select the key mapping modules (which enable users to switch key bindings easily) and you can also enable or disable the enhancement modules.
Default - This is the default that uses
key bindings that match CUA mappings.
IDE classic - Borland Classic editor
BRIEF emulation - The standard Brief
Epsilon emulation - This emulates a large
part of the Epsilon editor.
Visual Studio emulation - Emulates a large
part of the Visual Studio editor.
Visual Basic emulation - Emulates a large
part of the Visual Basic editor.
New IDE Classic - Uses key bindings from
only a small subset of the Emacs editor - used for demos only.
New IDE Emacs - Uses key bindings from
only a small subset of the Emacs editor - used for demos only.
You can experiment with these to see if you like any of the options.
The Color Tab
To help stop your eyes from getting
or being strained from looking at a computer screen for long periods of
time, you can change the colours of the Code Editor.
An easy way to go about this is to use
the Classic setting, Turbo Pascal programmers will be familiar with
Go to Tools, then Environment Options,
then Colors, then click on the ComboBox Drop-down list and then click
You can also choose: Defaults, Twilight
and Ocean.
The Code Insight Tab
Code Templates:
Code Templates were added to the Delphi IDE so that you can get Delphi code fast and without much typing, these are functions or expressions that you use often.
An example is if you use
case I of
ShowMessage(' ');
often then you can make this into a code template.
To do this go to Tools|Editor Options
the Delphi IDE Menu, then click on the Code Insight tab.
This may be different for your version
of Delphi.
On the lower half of the page you will see Code Templates.
Click on the Add button and you will see a dialog like this:
Type in the new template shortcut name, we will use "cashow" for this example.
Next type in a description, something like "Case with showmessage", click the OK button.
Paste in this code:
case I of
ShowMessage(' ');
Next click on the OK button.
We used the 'pipe' character after the 1: to show Delphi where we want the caret to be when the code appears in the Editor.
In the Delphi Code Editor hold down the Ctrl key and type "j"
And you should see your template in the list like this:
Scroll down to your template and press the Enter key.
You should now see the code in the Delphi Code Editor like this:
procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender:
case I of
A faster way to get your code is to type cashow then press the Ctrl + J keys.
If you type just an 'a' then you get the list starting with 'a' like in this image:
Using Code Templates can save you a lot
of time and will really speed up your work if you take the time to
how to use them and create your own code templates.
Your Code Templates are saved in the
file which should be in your Delphi/bin directory.
Code Completion:
To activate Code Completion you can use the Ctrl + Spacebar keys, this works even if the automatic feature is disabled. If you decide to remove the Code Completion box then press the Esc key.
You can type a class name then type a period (Full stop) which will activate Code Completion. You will then get a list of methods, properties and events which are appropriate to the class or record displayed.
Use the down arrow key or your mouse to select the item you want and then press the Enter key, the Spacebar works for this as well. You can also press the ; key and this will add the ; just after the entered text like this:
You can right-click on the listbox to
the list to Sort by Scope or Sort by Name.
You can also press the Home or
keys to go to the top of the list or to the bottom.
In Delphi 6 when the listbox is visible you can start typing and the list will filter out words that do not match the letters you are typing. For example if you type:
Only these words will be visible in the list:
Also you will notice different colors are now used to help you find what you want in the list.
You can also drag and resize the
to a size you want, and Delphi remembers the new size.
Code Parameters:
If you type a function, method or
name and then add the left parenthesis (Opening parenthesis) you will
the parameter names and types.
You can press Shift + Ctrl + Space
to display the list box at any time, whether or not Code parameters is
on automatic.
Tooltip Symbol Insight:
Also of interest is Tooltip Symbol
When you put the mouse cursor over an
identifier Tooltip Symbol Insight displays declaration information,
information could be procedure, function, type, constant, variable,