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Cool Menus Pro

(Delphi 4 and Delphi 5, C++ Builder 4)
Reviewed by J M Sandbrook

CoolMenus Pro is a nice custom menus system made by CoolDev.Com (Artem A. Berman), they look like the menus that are used in Office2000. These are top quality components that you can use to make your software really stand out from your competitions software.
You can use any TControl (TGraphicControl) descendant in popup menus and any component at all in your main menu.

CoolMenus Pro features are:

Your program users will like the nice graphical look you can add to your menus if you use CoolMenus Pro.
It is even possible to use non rectangular shaped menus, so if you want your program to stand out then this will set your programs apart from the normal menus other programmers are using.

The CoolMenus Pro components are:

I haven't had much time to use CoolMenus Pro, but the short time I have used them I have to say they are a very professional set of components that will help you make some very nice, original menus for your programs. I would think the only thing that would stop you from creating nice, presentable menus for your programs is your imagination.
With a bit of imaginative thinking you are able to create some very interesting and helpful menus, your program users would appreciate you using such a constructive set of components.

Artem also has an FAQ to help you on his web site, it is not very big, but we expect Artem will add more information as he get the time to add more.

Naturally a Windows help file is included with CoolMenus Pro.
The help file covers these main topics:

Complete Overview
Complete Overview over all Declarations contained in all units
Overview of all Units
Classes and Components
Overview of all Classes and Components

External Procedures and Functions
Overview of all external Procedures and Functions

Types, Records and Events
Overview of all Types, Records and Events

Shareware and legal stuff
License agreement
Ordering CoolMenus Pro

Additional information
Release history
and Credits

If you go and have a look at the CoolDev.com web site you will find some screen shots of CoolMenus Pro, with some additional information.
You can download trial versions of CoolMenus Pro, you can also download some compiled demo projects, one is the General Demo, another is a MDI  demo and the last one is the Hint Menus project.

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