
GLAD: Database

This is a non-visual component that will allow you to create an exact duplicate of an existing record. GLCloneRecord will attach to any dataset. When attached, you can call its Execute method to automatically generate an exact duplicate of the current record in that dataset. You can then customize the fields whose values should be assigned by setting the Fields property.

The GLDBProperEdit component is a data-aware edit control for automatic proper-case entry.
Like the GLProperEdit,  GLDBProperEdit makes the first letter of each word in the edit control a capital letter as the user types. Not only does it check for the beginning of each word, but also characters following separators such as hyphens and quotes. It also checks for the "Mc" and "Mac" prefixes.

The GLDBRepeatButton connects to a TDataSource component via its DataSource property.
We tested the GLDBRepeatButton by connecting it to a DBGrid, when holding down the button you can navigate through the records at speed or click once to move to the next record.
You can set the number of records to move, as well as the speed and the direction of the movement. The user can either click the button once, or hold the button down to keep moving. A useful item for any database navigation.

The GLDumpQuery  is a TQuery component that can output the result set to another table.

TGLDupeCheck is a non-visual component that attaches to a TTable and TDBEdit. When so attached, it automatically checks for duplicate keys in secondary indeces (duplicate keys in Paradox primary keys generate exceptions without any additional effort on our part).

TGLHTMLTable (Delphi 3 and above only)
TGLHTMLTable is a non-visual component that will put your data into HTML tables.
This is a very handy component and it is very easy to set up. First you attach it to a dataset, then you give it its FileName property, then then call its Execute method like this:
procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
Simple, fast and effective.
You can then use your favourite web browser to open the HTML file to view/read your HTML data table.
This component allows you to customize all significant aspects of an HTML table, including: Alignment, BgColor, HSpace, Caption, CaptionPosition, CellPadding, CellSpacing, Border, and VSpace.

However, its most important property is Columns, which allows you to fully customize the display of any individual column within the HTML table, including displaying subtotals for numeric columns. If that does not provide enough control for you, write an OnDrawDataCell event handler. You or the end user may also change the columns at run-time via the SelectFields method.

Other niceties include the ability to automatically fill blank cells,customize fonts, and supply a header and footer. You may also limit the display by setting the MaxRows property as necessary.

Click here to view an example!


TGLIndexList makes it easy for the user to change the sort order of data from a local database table.

You use TGLModifyTable to modify the structure of a Paradox, dBASE, or FoxPro table by adding, changing, and/or deleting one or more fields. You can also use TGLModifyTable to pack a table, or add a master password to a Paradox table.

TGLProgress (32-bit only)
TGLProgress displays on-going completion status for table index creation and batchmove operations. TGLProgress will make it easy for you to displaying a progress bar when re-indexing or executing a batch move.

TGLQBE (32-bit only)
TGLQBE is a non-visual component which allows a user-friendly way to set a filter for any data set. Attach it to a dataset, set its Fields property to limit which fields the user will be able to test, then call its Execute method. If no records match, you can react by providing an OnNoRecords event handler.

TGLQBE2 (32-bit only)
The same as TGLQBE, and the main differences between the TGLQBE and TGLQBE2 components are that TGLQBE2 adds the following features: different boolean operators for each filter condition; ability to manually edit the filter string; the NULL/NOT NULL operators; and integrated support Advantage Optimized Filters. However, TGLQBE supports the contains and not contains operators, which are available in TGLQBE2 only when using Advantage tables.

The TGLRecordReplace component will search through a dataset for a word and then replace it with a word the user specifies.
First you attach TGLRecordReplace to your dataset, then you specify the SearchText and the ReplaceText. You have the option of limiting the records searched to: You can also limit the fields to be searched via the Fields property.
The search can be case sensitive, and you can ask the user to confirm each replacement, by setting the ConfirmReplace property to True. You can also allow the user to abort a long search by setting the AllowEscape property to True.

The GLRecordSearch is a very useful component that will allow the user to search all records in any dataset for any occurrence of a specified string.
If you have any data-aware edit or memo controls on the same form, TGLRecordSearch will automatically highlight the text that is found, in those controls, if you add the rsHighlightFind flag to the Options property.

It is like the TGLRecordReplace component in many ways, an example is that you can allow the user  to abort a long search by setting the AllowEscape property to True.

TGLSearchEdit (32-bit only)
The TGLSearchEdit component is used for incremental searches/filters upon any string field in any dataset, regardless of whether or not there is an index available for that field.
Just drop it on your form, set its dataset property and the FieldName property, then you can type into the edit control and the TGLSearchEdit component will then perform an incremental search based upon that field and table. You may alternatively set the component to perform an incremental filter by setting the FilterActive property.


The GLStateLabel is a helpful label that can be used for debugging. You attach it to a TDataSource component and it will automatically update itself to display the current state of the dataset attached to that datasource.

TGLXLS (32-bit only)
The TGLXLS component will create an Excel spreadsheet from any dataset.
With this component you can provide a password for the spreadsheet which is a helpful feature.
Also you can provide summary information: You can also create a spreadsheet at design-time merely by setting the properties accordingly and double-clicking upon the component!
