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Dream Memo

by James M Sandbrook

Dream Memo is a product from the Dream Company who are located in Kiev, Ukraine.
Dream Company has many components for Delphi but the one we are interested in here is Dream Memo.

You will be pleased to learn that Dream Memo is written entirely with Delphi.
So there is no need for any extra DLLs or OCXs.
The source is compatible and tested with Delphi 2, Delphi 3, Delphi 4, Delphi 5, C++ Builder 1, C++
Builder 3 and C++ Builder 4.

If you are looking for a memo with many features then Dream Memo is worth looking into.
When I first visited the Dream Company web site I had a look at the Dream Memo web page and I was impressed at the many things you could do with the Dream Memo components.
After receiving my registered copy of Dream Memo I am very pleased to say that Dream Memo can do exactly what I thought it could do and much more...

I was also very pleased to find out that registered users of Dream Memo receive full source code, free life-time
updates, fixes and e-mail support! This is great support and free life-time updates is always a great attraction for any developer. They also have a helpful mailing list by ListBot.

In fact with you can have an editor that looks a lot like the Delphi Code Editor using Dream Memo. After downloading DreamMemo I spent some time looking at the help file and playing around with the demos and it wasn't long before I had a editor that looked the same as the Delphi code editor.

It did not take me long to add a Dream Memo editor to a Programming Text Editor program that I use for programming, I am very pleased with the results.

Some very nice dialogs are included.

Replace Dialog

You may remember that the standard TMemo can not work with texts larger than 32K, with Dream Memo this is no longer a problem because with Dream Memo there are no limits for the size of text

The Dream Company has done all the work to bring you a great memo, read on and we will discover more of the great features we found in Dream Memo...

Many powerful features are supported:

Dream Memo and MemoSource.

To explain MemoSource I have copied a small amount of text from the Dream Memo help:

The main new concept that is used in Dream Memo is MemoSource. To understand better what MemoSource is, think about standard Delphi component – TDataSource. MemoSource is an object that stores data that is displayed in the memo.
Like TDBGrid can be connected to TDataSource, TDCMemo can be connected to TMemoSource.
TMemoSource has many different methods and properties for the text handling.

One of the advantages of such architecture is that one text can be edited in several memos simultaneously. Moreover, if the text is modified in one memo it will be automatically updated in all other TDCMemo controls, connected to the same MemoSource. That gives you a possibility to implement controls with split windows quickly and easily.

More about Dream Memo...


You can use TDCMemo.PrintWithDialog which displays the print dialog and your program users can select the print options and print the content of the memo using these options.

TDCMemo.Print prints the memo without the print dialog box.

The PrintOptions property determines how the text is printed. This property has the following elements:

Price: $99

Dream Memo home page

I haven't covered everything you will want to know about Dream Memo and I suggest you consider purchasing this great set of components or download the demos to find out more -

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