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The Richview Family Of Components.

Recently we are able to have a look at the very good RichView components, the RichView components were created by Sergey Tkachenko.
I have to admit I am very impressed by the hard work Sergey has put into these components.

The RichView components are for displaying, editing and printing hypertext documents and they give you the ability to create very professional looking applications.

Some RichView features you will find of interest:

  • Fonts, superscripts, subscripts, colored text background, etc
  • Export to HTML
  • Custom margins and indents.
  • Your RichView documents can contain pictures, images from an imagelists, and Delphi controls.
  • Left, right, center or justify alignments of paragraphs, custom margins and indents.
  • Background images, print preview, data-aware versions and more...

New in Version 1.3

  • Multilevel Undo/Redo 
  • Unicode Support 
  • RTF Export 
  • Protected Text 
  • Custom Drawing 
  • Faster Reformatting And Editing 

The RichView Components Are:

TRVStyle - component for defining visual appearance of RichView, RichViewEdit, DBRichView, DBRichViewEdit.
It contains some properties which can be used by several RichViews.

TRichView - component for displaying hypertext.

TRichViewEdit - component for editing text with hypertext jumps, pictures, etc.

TDBRichView - data-aware version of TRichView (Of course, your version of Delphi should support database features to use this component).

TDBRichViewEdit - data-aware version of TRichViewEdit (And again, your version of Delphi should support database features to use this component).

TRVPrint - component for printing the contents of RichView, RichViewEdit, DBRichView and DBRichViewEdit.

TRVPrintPreview - this is the component for previewing a document that is made with the RichView, RichViewEdit, DBRichView or DBRichViewEdit components.
When previewing you get a crisp clear image. You can set your previews up for many magnifications as well as Page Width and Full Page, etc.

RVF is the RichView format designed for saving/loading the contents of your RichView applications.
RVF files are small considering what they contain.

All of the RichView document contents can be saved to RVF (text, images, bullets, hotspots, controls, checkpoints).

TRichView components can contain:

Text with various fonts and colors, with special effects, this is very impressive.

Hypertext (hypertext styles can have their own cursor and highlight color), this is very easy to setup using the RichView TRVStyle component.

Pictures (bitmaps, icons, metafiles, third-party graphic formats)

Pictures from Image Lists (they also can be hypertext links) and you can use as many image lists as you want.

Any Delphi controls (and they will work as usual). I found this very impressive.

Background bitmap (it can be tiled, centered or stretched, scrolled or not).

The contents are organized in paragraphs such as: left, right, center and justify alignments, left, right and first line indents, borders and background.

Saving and loading to files, streams, database fields in its own format, compact and simple (all graphics and inserted
controls can be saved as well!).

Export to text file, simple HTML file and HTML file with Cascading Style Sheets.

Hypertext jumps (hypertext, when used in the editor, is activated when user presses Ctrl key).

You can design your RichView programs to have internet links and when they are clicked on they will run your default web browser and go to the web site link or if you use 'MailTo:' it can open a email message window for the email address specified.

Compatibility with Addict Spell Check and Thesaurus.

When I first got the RichView components I asked Sergey if he could support EDSSpell and he took on the task and sent me a parser for EDDSpell spell checker to try out. I am very pleased with the RichView support and I am sure you would be as well.

The ability to obtain any item (text, picture, etc) at specified coordinates.

Full access to document contents from your program.

Ability to add new lines without reformatting of whole document.

Printing with scalable preview. The preview is very good, as mentioned above.

You can hide or show the vertical scrollbar, and you have full control over vertical scrolling.

The RichView help files are very helpful.

Two main demos are available for download as exe-files (D5 compiled):

RichViewEdit-based Editor and Multi-demo.

As well as the demonstrations of RichView, Sergey also has information on the RichView web site about programs that use RichView.
One such program is BFG Chat, you can find this at: http://www.trichview.com/rvapps/bfgchat/bfgchat.htm
You can download BFG Chat (502K) from this web page.
Another is  e-OfficeDirect by Image-Line Software here is a screen shot of the program:

You will also find on the RichView web site many helpful tutorials that Sergey has put together to help new users.
These tutorials are a big plus in my opinion, I found them very helpful.

You can contact Sergey Tkachenko at: svt@trichview.com

You can download a trial version by clicking here!

To learn more about the Components of RichView Family go to: http://www.trichview.com/

Note: Version 0.5 is still freeware with source, go to the RichView web site to learn more about this.

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