Jordan Russells Toolbar97 components give a Delphi project that
nice modern look.
Toolbar97 is a shareware dockable toolbar component set for Delphi
2.0-5.0 and C++Builder 1.0-4.0 that have the Office 97 look and behavior.
Toolbar97 is fully compatible with Windows 95, 98, NT 4.0, and 3.51, without requiring the new Comctl32.Dll, unlike Delphi TToolBar and TCoolBar components.
The first time we used Toolbar 97 we were impressed with the new look it gave our Delphi projects.
Toolbar97 consists of:
When the program is running, the toolbar can be docked on any side of the form or it can be floating. To change the position of the toolbar is simple, you click on the toolbar and then drag it around until you find the position on the form that you want and then you 'drop' it.
Here is an example of how to put 1 toolbar on a form, this toolbar will be dockable and you will be able to drag it to all 4 sides of the form and it can also float on the form:
First drop a 'Dock97' on the form and this will be the docking area
for the top of the form. Now drop another 'Dock97' on the form, in the
Object Inspector, set the Dock97.Position to dpBottom.
Next drop two more Dock97's on the form and set their positions to
dpLeft and the last one to dpRight.
Then drop a Toolbar97 on the Dock97 at the top of the form.
Drop some ToolbarButton97's on the Toolbar97, and then drop a Edit97
on the Toolbar97 (if you want).
You can then double-click on a ToolButton97 and enter this code:
procedure TForm1.ToolbarButton971Click(Sender: TObject);
As you can guess from the above example, using Toolbar97 is very easy.
So if you want a decent looking dockable, floatable toolbar for your
applications, then Toolbar97 is a very good deal for the small price you
pay to become a registered user.
Another nice feature is that (with a small amount of code) you can set
up your program to remember the Toolbars settings in an Ini file or the
So when you re-open your program the toolbars are in the position that
you last left them in, when you last closed down your program.
Users of your programs will love this feature.
The Toolbar itself has many Object Inspector properties that you can
Some are:
Toolbar97 is shareware and the registration is $20 USD.
The help file for Toolbar97 is in HTML format, so you will need a web
browser to view it.
The help file covers these subjects:
Registering Toolbar97
Global Functions and Variables
TDock97 Reference
TToolbar97 Reference
TToolWindow97 Reference
TToolbarButton97 Reference
TToolbarSep97 Reference
TEdit97 Reference
Known Problems and Conflicts
Revision History
A few helpful code examples are given as well.
Jordan is already working on version 2.0 (Toolbar97 version 2.0 is a complete rewrite), which, according to the help file, should have these new features:
Office 2000-style menus.
Run-time menu and toolbar customization.
Complete support for dockable, resizable windows a la MS Developer
On Jordans web site he also has these comments about version 2:
Other enhancements
Support for Office 97/2000-style edit and combo boxes.
Toolbars will smoothly move as they are dragged (no more dragging rectangle).
Toolbars that go partially off the edge of the form will display a
button that brings up a popup window exposing the obscured
items, like in MS Internet Explorer 5 and Office 2000.
Toolbars are no longer be required to be placed on a dock -- menus
and toolbars can be placed anywhere you need them.
Current release date: as soon as it's done. As promised, registered
users will
receive beta copies as soon as a fairly feature-complete one is available.
Web Site for Toolbar97