Tips can be added, deleted, edited and hidden by your user.
Included is a very good Tips editor, and you can create events for
each button, see a design time preview by double-clicking on the TTips
component, you can use HTML scripting, multi languages support etc.
The Tips System package requires Html Tools (
to be installed on your computer and its license includes the Html Tools.
i.e. by registering Tips System you register two packages Tips System and
Html Tools.
When registering Tips System you obtain the licensed copy of Html Tools
package as well.
To learn more about HTML Tools go to the bottom of this web page.
I put a TTips component on a Form and then double-clicked on it and
immediately I could see why this Tips system is different than any others
I had previously seen.
The general layout of the tips dialog is the same, but the good folk
at have come up with some innovative features that programmers
will welcome to their collection of components.
The first thing I noticed was the extra buttons down the right side
of the tips dialog box, they are listed as follows:
Here is an example:
<FONT COLOR="clPurple"><B>Hello</B></FONT> and <FONT COLOR="clPurple"><B>Welcome</B></FONT> to the <I>Tips system !</I> Now with <a href>links</a> huh.
This may look a bit confusing but it is easy to make changes once you get the idea.
Which looks like this:
Hello and Welcome to the Tips system ! Now with links huh.
Notice the Internet link!
Here is a screen shot of Tips system in action:
I thought having links (URL Internet Links) in a Tips Dialog is a great idea, not only can you offer a tip you can also include a link to go to an Internet web site for more information about your tip.
All in all we here at the DPSC think Tips Systems is good for developers who want a Tip Of The day dialog box that gives them more creativity.
To learn more about go to
You can download a already compiled demonstration projects here - Download.
You can download a trial version of Tips System from these sites.
Site 1 (Germany)
2 (Russia)
Html Tools is a package designed to deal with HTML code.
Html Tools includes a component that converts a limited number of HTML tags and then displays them in HTML format/code in a RichEdit control, I tried this with the standard RichEdit that comes with Delphi it looks great.
Here is an example of how it looks in Delphi's RichEdit:
Html Tools contains an HTML parser that allows your projects to parse HTML code and various HTML tags & Native Delphi code.
You can download a compiled demonstration of HTML Tools from here - Download.
You can download a trial version of HTML Tools from these sites:
Site 1 (Germany)
2 (Russia)
3 (Ukraine)