The integrated circuit was an amazing
invention that changed the world, much like the transistor before it and the vacuum tube before the
Electronics has progressed in leaps
and bounds over the last 60 years and the integrated circuit has filtered into nearly every bodies
You will find I.C circuits in
televisions, radios, a stereo, computers, ovens, washing machines and many, many other products
of this modern world.
As mentioned in the example image
above you can replace an old I.C with an I.C Socket. First unsolder the broken I.C and replace it with
a I.C socket that has the same
amount of pins that the broken I.C had.
This can save you a lot of effort
later on if you need to remove an I.C to test if it is defective. You just pull out the old I.C
and put an I.C that you know is not broken
in the socket. Test the circuit and see if it works.
A problem that can arise from you
using an I.C socket is that the contacts on the I.C can become dirty and it can give the impression that
the I.C is not working. Sometimes
removing an I.C from an I.C socket and then replacing it a few times can clean the pins.
Copyright © James Martin
Sandbrook of
Tokoroa, New Zealand. All
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