James M Sandbrook
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The Narcissist Parent is probably the worst form of Narcissist because they groom their own children from birth and as the child develops they either make the child a Narcissist or a life-time victim who struggles to cope without the Narcissist/s in their life and instinctively go for the Narcissist-types in marriage and relationships without even knowing why all their relationships fail.

The Narcissist Parent is not a person the Narcissist-Victim’s tend to consider as bad because they were groomed from childhood to always fit with a Narcissist like a hand in a glove. This means that the child of the Narcissist Parents becomes used to Narcissist treatment and their role as a victim of a bully who through loyalty, love (one sided love) and honour they refuse to see as a bad person, so they love, protect, defend and stand up for the very person who is keeping them weak, unstable and easily led.

This extends on to their marriages where attracted to people who can help the Narcissist Adult-Child Victim the Narcissist Adult-Child Victim  will marry someone with the same Narcissist traits as their parents and will always wonder why it never works out and will self blame rather than see where their suffering originated from.

It is very important to the Narcissist parents that the Narcissist Adult-Child Victim always trust the parent/s enough to always come to the parents for advice, and in doing so are always guided in the directions of the Narcissist Parents desires - therefore keeping the Narcissist Adult-Child Victim  in the control and doing the will of the Narcissist Parent.

10 Signs of a Narcissistic Parent.

The Narcissist Parent/s will use loyalty, guilt etc to have the victim always beholden to them, in the sense that “I did all this for you, spent all this money on you, was there when you were fallen”…etc and the victim feels honoured, protected, loved, assured and wants what seems like a wonderful caring relationship to continue. This relying on the Narcissist Parent and honouring them is a “constructed/built” belief in the Narcissist Parents child’s mind - it is not a natural thought, it was put there by the Narcissist Parent/s as part of years of the grooming process so that when the Narcissist Adult-Child Victim starts to rebel the Narcissist Parent can “Press the right buttons” and trigger the feelings of honour and guilt for the parent and the Narcissist Adult-Child Victims will bow down obediently with humble guilt.

What the victim of Narcissist Parent does not understand is that he or she was given things, food and shelter, “for a reason that was not love”. It is true that the Narcissist sometimes does nice things for their victims and this makes them look so good and worthy, but in the long run they only give to gain.

10 Signs Your Mother is a Narcissist.

A thought to consider is are you allowed to speak freely around your parents?
Or do you have to tread carefully around them, say what they want to hear,. forgive them when you see them do bad things and make uyp lies to forgive them in your own head?

Be mindful of your relationships with your parents?

Also think about what they have always expected of you. Is your relationship with your parent/s healthy or is it something that even as an adult you are fully expected to obey them when they come demanding to your doorstep or on the phone.

Another thing to consider is, even as an adult do you always go running to your mother when you have to make a big, scary strong decision?
If so, then you were groomed to do this subconsciously without thought, without question, you just do it because the habit was planted into your mind years ago to fear making your own decisions and to get mother’s advice so that she can make the decisions for you

All of us, if brought up right, should feel confident, courageous and able to make the big scary choices in our lives.
The Parent Narcissist will tell their victims that they have mental health issues and that you cannot trust yourself to make such choices on your own without the parent being involved.

If a person is compelled to run to mummy then that person is trained to depend on the mother or father for help and does not have the confidence or faith in themselves to make choices on their own.

For the victim of the Narcissist it comes down to recognizing the signs and also a close study of the relationship that the victim does have with their own parents and a good study of the subject matter to help others in this situation who have no clue that they are being manipulated, controlled and used by their own parents.

How Being Raised By A Narcissist Damages Your Life And Self-Esteem.

The whole object of the Narcissist Parent is covert operations around the child’s life and control over the adult-child’s life as an adult.

The Narcissist Parent is mentally sick and they have a lot of trouble letting go of their own children. You may want to feel sorry for them but they destroy their victims self esteem, confidence and courage, until the victim is obedient to the Narcissist Parent, therefore destroying, controlling and manipulating all the adult child's friendships, marriages's (and there are often a few) and life.

Women with Narcissistic Parents: Stuck in Worry.

To the outside world the Narcissist Parent/s always look like angels, and they spend many years gathering friendships and power from people who they do things for and those people see them as capable, worthy decent people, and that is the whole idea.
If they need a helping hand in the future, money, control over a situation, or when they start a Character Assassination and want Flying Monkeys to do their bidding they recruit all these people that they have become friends with and manipulate guilt with sympathy and get payback for all the years that they put into these carefully constructed “friendships”.

Narcissistic parents identify their children as either a favourite or a scapegoat, and they pit them against each other.