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Computers Bite Back - Abstract


Occupational Overuse Syndrome (OOS), under various guises, has been in existence for centuries. One field where OOS has become notably prevalent is the Information Technology (IT) industry. Since IBM's unveiling of the personal computer in 1981 the computer has become more and more a part of everyday life. The resulting increase in computer use has resulted in a marked increase in the number of OOS cases. This has been matched by an increase in information on the causes of OOS and its prevention. This dissertation examines the known causes of, and preventative measures against, OOS and reveals that in order to prevent OOS a holistic approach by both management and employees is required. The literature review reveals that OOS costs both the individual and the organisation. It was found that the costs incurred in the prevention of OOS are justified, due to the potentially serious effects OOS can have on both the employee and the organisation. A survey, carried out to assess the state of OOS in New Zealand, showed that an element of disbelief concerning OOS exists in today's IT industry; this finding was supported by the literature. Yet both the literature review and the survey revealed that most organisations have an understanding of OOS, and are taking active measures to prevent it.

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