
Christian/Religion Studies

This is a collection of studies for the public to use to help them understand the various religions of the world and their beliefs.


Father, grandfather or remote ancestors. 
Eleventh month of the Jewish civil, and fifth of the saced year.

Ab is a word that is used in the completing of other words such as Abinadab meaning "my father is noble."
The name of the fifth month in the Hebrew calendar, and according to my records Josephus makes it the month that Aaron died.

Also look up the word Abba.

Sometimes small steps are needed to achieve something.
Time, faith and patience and small steps. Take the first step, rest, wait, then take the next step.
Any mountain no matter how big can be climbed with small steps.
Each step is progress, each step is success, each step is belief, belief in yourself - J M Sandbrook.
