(charity - righteousness - kindness- justice
To give alms - a compassionate thing to do. You may hear this in a movie or read it in a book, "Give alms to the
poor." This is to "give" for the poor, probably the poor in your area.
Almsgiving was once popular and this was
Deuteronomy chapter 15, verse 11
Some may say that giving to the poor is "works" and that Salvation does not come from works but the issue here is that it has always been seen "as Christian to give to the poor and needy." Regardless of race, nation or denomination, giving has always been seen as the thing you do if you are a Christian, especially by non-Christians. Non-Christians are often shocked when Christians refuse to help the poor and needy and only look after their own. No matter what it is called giving to the poor is something that has always been expected of Christians especially by the example given to us by Christ. He was Holy, kind, generous, nice and good - it was obvious that Christ wanted the best for all people everywhere and Christ wanted all to come to hear the Word of God. Of course the True-Giving is the giving of Salvation as God intended,
but the giving of the heart and soul to those less fortunate is a blessing
to the receivers. But to give like this
We must realise that we are alive, and those we turn to Christ are still having to deal with their lives, and suffering needs to be kept to a minimum if we have the ability to do this for someone. Sitting home and praying is good, but getting out because God created you to help your fellow mankind is truly Gods way. Matthew chapter 6, verse 1
It is charitable to give to the needy. Every good act is charity. A man's true wealth is the good he does in this world to his fellows - Mahomet. In comparison to Christians Muslims give a small percentage (surplus wealth) of their annual savings as alms or charity, called zakat. Zakat could be compared to tithing and alms but is based on serving the poor and deprived Muslims. There is a Zatak organisation at: http://zakat.org/
I know that where the monks were concerned at times in history large
amounts of wealth was given to them, this included land and money.
The likes of the St John nights (who were monks) and other monks recieved
large amounts of money and land from rich people. Some early Christians
believed that all personal ownership of property was wrong and that the
'goods in a Christian society must be common.'
It can be a hard thing for a person to go to the poor and suffering
and try to give them spiritual Salvation when the poor and suffering are
in desperate need. It is far better to help them deal with that need as
Jesus did when He healed people. He dealt with their immediate spiritual
and physical suffering, and you would be wise to do the same. As an example
alone, helping non-Christians deal with their immediate sufferings and
problems will set you alight in their eyes as a person to know and love.
Then once the non-Christian has been helped and is more comfortable then
he or she can be told of the great Salvation of Our Lord. You will find
a more ready ear from somebody you have kindly helped with your generous
soul led by God.
Live in such a way that those who know you but don't know God will come
to know God through
knowing you and the way that you live and the way that you handle yourself
- giving the full
impression that you have faith in God so there is confidence in your
life. That confidence in God
will rub off onto non-believers, until they to, believe! - J M Sandbrook.