The collection of the Old Testament books not regarded as canonical (although these were included with the first Authorized King James Version) and also the rejected New Testament books that are not in the Canon. These are Gospels of the Christian church which are not part of the New Testament and are not divinely inspired. So these are all Gospels that claimed (due to their content etc) to be Christian Gospels but are not included in the Cannon of the New Testament. Some are seen to be far-fetched and untruthful. But they do have some
importance as they show us what the people of the early Christian church
were thinking and writing down.
Some of these Gospels have had big followings and were read on a regular basis and seen as important Gospels. The Church came down on them and a ban was put in by Damascus in 382,
Innocent I in 405, and Gelasius in 496. But even with the pressure from
the accepted church, the
A hug is two hearts joining together with love!
- J M Sandbrook.