Bethany is a Biblical village that is found in the New Testament. Some say that the name Bethany originally meant "House of the Poor" or something simular but this has been debated on for some time. The name Bethany has also been used as a name for a female. There are various mentions of this name in the Bible and I have shown some examples below: Johh chapter 11, verse 1
Matthew chapter 26, verse 6
Mark chapter 11, verse 1
Luke chapter 24, verse 50
Jesus spend some time in Bethany and it seems that he was familier with
the place and its people. Of course Jesus had friends there, and He stayed
there. And Jesus was
Mark chapter 14, verse 3
To have faith is to meet the world with the conviction that in spite
of all its ambiguities and its downright evils,
there can be discerned in it the reality of love and a ground of hope.
-John Macquarrie, Paths in Spirituality
Always keep your faith in a greater good,
a spiritual good that is greater and beyond the bad that you can see
around you from time to time -
keep that hope, that there will be a greater day!
- J M Sandbrook.