The Canon is a collection of Biblical books called the Bible. The body
of authoritative writings of Divine guidance and origin.
This is the Greek word used to describe the accepted Canon text in the Bible. Means "reed", "cane", 'a straight rod', "bar", "measuring stick", ideally this word is used to mean "the rule of Faith" for the teachings, doctrines and practices from the Apostles that have been orally passed on and then collected and written as a guide for future generations. With the Canon set, those who deviated from it were judged as heretical,
often those who were so judged were done so in a very non-Christian manner
sometimes ending in death. The canon was seen as the authoritative text
and divinely inspired and this belief would sadly lead to fear and even
anger at those who didn't follow the same beliefs. Not following
Some books in the Christian Bible were not immediately seen as worthy
of being in the Canon Bible but as years went by they were all finally
The knocks of life tend to lead us away from believing in ourself.
But the love of friends, family & God tend to bring us back to
self belief.
It is so much easier to believe in yourself when your closest believe
in you too.
Believing in yourself is very important if you want others to believe
in what you say and do
- J M Sandbrook.