
Christian/Religion Studies

This is a collection of studies for the public to use to help them understand the various religions of the world and their beliefs.

Now when you want to learn about God or when somebody comes a knocking on your old door to tell you about God probably the first bit of confusion you will find is that word "Church".

For example they will probably tell you that church is a "congregation of people", or maybe a building where all the "members" go to congregate, to pray, worship and hear a sermon
about Christianity. You may also learn that people talk of the Christian church community, or that a church can mean a community of believers of the same faith. An organised assembly of worshippers who worship the Lord in a regular fashion and mostly on the Sabbath.

When you go to church people will talk about other churches. What they would mean by this is other church denominations. 

As you can see the word church now has many meanings. A church can be a building of Devine worship, a Christian group of people who all believe the same - a religious body.
And some will talk of "the Church" being all churches together. 

First people who believe in the teachings of Jesus congregated together and as time went by it must have seemed sensible to have a church building to meet in and hear the "Holy Word" of God with fellow believers of the same thought and "as a mind as one." A place where we can go "as one" to hear "the Word", meet, help, listen, pray for others who need help, and learn about God and what life is really all about.

Matthew chapter 16, verse 18 
And I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church;

A hug is two hearts joining together with love! - J M Sandbrook.
