Avarice - Greediness or wanting gain in a greedy manner. A clear understanding of the words "greed" and "need" are needed to understand the word "covet". Exodus chapter 20, verse 17
Deuteronomy chapter 5, verse 21
Romans chapter 7, verse 7
Romans chapter 13, verse 9
Clearly we get the message from the Bible that to covet is to do wrong.
That is a strong message but a message worth thinking about. To covet is
to take for your own personal gain -
To accumulate money to the love of it - for the joy of gathering (acquire wealth) money and hoarding it which is denying others of its benefits that they "need" but you "want". To get gain for your own sake. In Exodus chapter 20, verse 17 and Deuteronomy chapter 5, verse 21 we see a list of items that we should not covet. A neighbour meaning many people, those all around, or everyone. Remember many lived in tents which meant that their neighbours probably changed sometimes daily, weekly and even monthly as they moved on to another area to camp. Money is a good servant, but a bad master - Proverb.
A smile to a friend is an opening for a hug, the hug is the joining
of two hearts in wholesome warmth
and a loving embrace - J M Sandbrook..