The Hebrew language holds a special place in history. This language
holds a special place in the hearts of millions of people all around the
world. This language has a long history and has come up against some hard
times like the people who spoke the language. For example:
Alexander the Great, born 356 BC, succeeded his father Philip II of
Macedon to the throne in 336 BC after the King was assassinated. Although
his life and his reign short his conquests were many. And his wars caused
much stress to the old civilisations like the Babylonians, Aramaeans, Persians,
and the Egyptians suffered at this time in history and their culture and
languages suffered as well.
Today millions of people still speak the language but there is, like other old languages, an ancient version. All languages change over time due to new words being introduced as new items are invented, new activities added to peoples lives, new events, new slang etc all go together to help change the words and change a language over hundreds and thousands of years. The Tanakh, the Hebrew Bible, is written in Classical Hebrew. Obviously to the Jews and many others this is the Holy language. The Hebrew Bible has a history of the people, the history of religion, God's prophets, kings and priests. The Bible is truly an exciting book that is full of wonders and amazing stories and many lessons, rules and Holy commandments to help us guide our lives. Thankfully the Hebrew Bible has been translated into many languages so that we can understand God's rules for us. |