
Christian/Religion Studies

This is a collection of studies for the public to use to help them understand the various religions of the world and their beliefs.

Jesus :
Jesus Christ,  He as the promised Messiah and Saviour of the world; the Lord and Head of the Christian church.

Christ is the Greek equivalent of the Hebrew word Messiah - anointed.

Sometimes in the epistles Jesus is called Jesus Christ, and then sometimes Christ Jesus, and then sometimes Christ. It adds to the confusions that non-Christians have when it appears that the name of Jesus is Christ or that Christ is the last name of Jesus - Jesus Christ.

The Lord, our Lord and Lord are other names given to Jesus. And in prayer it is not unknown for people to pray in the name of Jesus Christ Our Lord, or Our Lord Jesus Christ. People pray "Dear Lord" etc. Lord is a popular name for Jesus.

The four Canonical Gospels are our main source of information about Jesus. The first three are the (Synoptic) Gospels, and the last the Gospel of John.

When Christians write about Jesus they may use a capital (Upper Case) letter to let us know that they are writing about Jesus or God. Like this "Jesus went to the house" - "He went to the house." "The people went there and saw Jesus and they were amazed" - "The people went there and they saw Him and they were amazed."

Note that He is used instead of the name Jesus. Christians would do the same for the name God like this "God saw His Son Jesus and He was happy with what He saw."

Josephus, Suetonius and Tacitus all wrote of Jesus. Josephus wrote of Jesus as a wise man.
Suetonius wrote of a "Chrestus" and this is seen as a mistake for the word "Christus" and Christus is the word that Tactus uses when he referreed to Jesus or Christ in his writings.

The greatest thing I treasure most is, being honest, loving all, forgivness, God, family, friends, if I can then helping you, if I can't then praying for you -
knowing you is a great blessing, never forget that no matter who you are. God Bless you every one! - J M Sandbrook.
