Written by James M Sandbrook of Tokoroa, New Zealand.
Humility or humbleness is a quality of being courteously respectful
of others.
Having a love for others to the degree that you will put them first in a quiet way. Humility is being modest, reverential. Meekness, lowliness, the opposite of pride or haughtiness. Being humble is a beautiful thing. The loud are not humble as they boast and talk in a high manner. A good worthy example of humbleness or meekness would be Jesus. What we know of Jesus is of that gentle caring and loving nature that was shared among the people that Jesus met. He was followed and listened to because of the love and caring that Jesus shared amongst the people of that time. Being humble is something that we should want to be. A loving heart comes from being a loving kind person - God looks after the humble so there is no need to be loud and aggressive. I believe the first test of a truly great man is his humility. I do
not mean, by humility, doubt of his own power, or hesitation in speaking
his opinions; but a right understanding of the relation between what he
can do and say and the rest... of the world's sayings and doings. All the
great men not only know their business, but usually know that they know
it, and are not only right in their main opinions, but usually know that
they are right in them; only, they do not think much of them-
Forgiving is a cleansing of the soul, a way to clean away pain and suffering, to clear the soul of badness then to replace it with understanding, care for our enemies, love for our neighbours everywhere, and a pure heart for God and all he has done for us - J M Sandbrook. |
Remember that each day is a miracle and so are you! - J M Sandbrook. |
True humility, The highest virtue, mother of them all - Alfred, Lord Tennyson. |
He that is humble, ever shall Have God to be his Guide - John Bunyan, The Pilgrim's Progress. |
An humble able man is a jewel worth a kingdom - William Penn. |
Never give up, never stop trying, God made you a creature of fine tastes, common-sense, an emotional and loving person who needs to care and be with people day by day, interacting with them in many ways and blessing them with your presence. Be with those you love, those important to you. That is worth striving for, every day! - J M sandbrook. |
Even though others try to help you with the best intentions, always remember you should go with your own judgements, feelings and instincts - that is why God gave them to you. Sometimes we have to do things our way in order for something new and wonderful to happen. Your future is yours, its between you and God. New things come from reaching out... - J M Sandbrook. |
When you were a little child, one day somebody came up to you and said that God loves you or you read it or something like that - the child's innocence probably knows God so much better than we do when we grow up, because the child accepts Gods love with genuine trust and faith. Think of God as that little child in you once did - J M Sandbrook. |
If you have an addiction that you want to beat, each time you put it aside you beat it - it is not a let down if you get back to that addiction because for everytime you beat it you went back to it so the account is even - one day, and do believe this, one day you will beat it and the account won't be even because you will have won! - J M Sandbrook. |
God, give us grace to accept with serenity the things that cannot be changed, courage to change the things that should be changed, and the wisdom to distinguish the one from the other - Niebuhr.. |