And that comes with a throwing out of the old beliefs. Looking to God is something that people have done for inner peace, understanding & love - Billions of people cannot be wrong over thousands of years... |
by James M Sandbrook of Tokoroa, New Zealand.
Small Blessings: There are many wonderful Blessings in the Bible - many events and happenings
that were astounding. An obvious example is the Birth of the World.
I found this explanation on the Internet:
A curse, at least in its most formal sense, is the opposite of a blessing. It is not of God to curse someone or something. This is to be avoided. The Bible has many Blessings in it from God to people - when they are
forgiven for doing wrong God can bless them in some way - the same is for
In James Chapter 1, verse 12
And in James Chapter 1, verse 25
In the Bible are the beatitudes with all those blessings in them. Blessed are the poor in spirit: for theirs is
the kingdom of heaven.
Beatitudes means Blessedness. Blessings can encourage you. To know that God favours you for even a small moment is a wonderful thing. Psalms Chapter 119, verse 2
You can Bless the Lord: Psalms Chapter 119, verse 12
Acts Chapter 20, verse 35
People say, God Bless you! or May God Bless you! A prayer is a blessing. To me a blessing is something good that is done with the help of God to me or somebody else - life is full of many wonderful blessings. But if you are negative thinking then you will not see the wonderful blessings that God is giving you as a gift. Parents give their children gifts, God gives you, His children gifts. Another obvious and wonderful Blessing was the birth of Jesus: Matthew Chapter 1, verse 18
We often in our home (the Sandbrook's home) call small blessings small
A small gem could be a simple things such as finding a pen when you desperately need one. Somebody helping you fix a flat tire that you may have. Small Gems are blessings. A Believer will often struggle because he or she cannot understand what a blessing is. If you believe in Luck or Fate as haphazard things that happen then you do not know the laws of God and you do not understand how and why God helps you. We sometimes at our home write out all the small blessings and some big ones that we received over the last year and then put them all up on the wall for us to read when we may have a few doubts about life. To have visual proof is good for children to see - especially the impossible that happen and can only happen with the help of God. If a blessing comes your way and you think that the blessing is luck then you do not understand that God gave this thing to you as a gift. It may be to help you out or it may be something that you have wanted for a long while and then one day you get it, maybe free or at a rock-bottom price - this is a small or possibly even a large gem. A Gem is a blessing. A small gem is another type of blessing but it is small and you and I get many of them, but (and this is a sad but), many of us do not recognize these blessings. Often they can be taken for granted as our day goes by, especially if we have lots to do. If you were to understand right now about how many loving blessings that you get from The Lord you would not fret half as much as you do. Your confidence would be much higher, and you would know that The Lord is with you all the day, helping you along and giving you loving gifts. Part of the idea behind Praising God is to acknowledge that God actually exists and is right now with you and doing things for you. To know that the Lord is with you is to know that you can get through your day with help. When a Small Gem comes your way, and many do, notice it, comment to God in silent prayer how much you like it and are happy that you have it. Often when I am at home and I am looking for something and I cannot find it and then all of a sudden it is found I praise God by saying Thank You God. Mostly things like this are found in the most amazing places and I find that I am often led to the item that I am looking for. We all do this, and most people, including Believers only see these things as good luck that they found the item needed. When I cook dinner at home I never ask for thanks. My thanks is seeing my children eat the dinner, and especially if they dig into it with gusto and are happy at the dinner table. I don't need verbal thanks from them. I cook because I love my children and want to cook for them, The Lord is like this. To thank someone is to acknowledge that something good happened, like thanks for a blessing. But it is nice to say thank you. My children will say thank you for dinner at times, or they will comment on how nice something is that they are eating. And that verbal thanks is nice, and it is icing on the top of seeing them so happy to eat the meal. And if they are smiling and chattering at the dinner table that is a sure sign that they are happy with their food - no thanks is need, but nice to get anyway. To God it is the same. If you are truly happy that God has blessed you with some small blessing, a Small Gem, then it is nice of you to say something to acknowledge that you are happy with the blessing - a simple statement is fine. Something like Thanks God will easily do. I often say if I am really pleased, Thanks God I really needed that! Sometimes I may just say What a blessing! You can pray to give others Small Blessings: An example helping somebody with a problem. It is part of religious life. The words of Wisdom from Our Lord Jesus were blessings. As you go through the week you could keep a lookout for all those wonderful
blessings that you see...
One must be aware that God's Blessings to you may come to in what may appear a negative manner - like you could lose your current job and feel that God has let you down when in reality God has a better job lined up for you which you were never going to claim because you were in comfort with your old job or worried about stepping out of your comfort zone. Have comfort and faith in the Ways and the Word of God. Remember that you believe that the Lord is there, so believe that the Lord is there even in bad times - or what appears to be bad times. And do try to remember when times are hard that life is not just about you, but everyone. If you promise to do something for somebody then you should do it, as your promise is a blessing for that person. A joy, a moment that you can show other people, especially to non-Believers how a good God-Loving Believer can pass on blessings to them. Set an example. It is great motivation to know that God is looking after you in your daily walk and that God will help you as your day goes by. To know that we are loved is a special thing, to know that God loves us is very special. Jeremiah Chapter 17, Verse 7 Blessed is the man that trusteth in the LORD, and whose hope the LORD is. Quote: Don't miss out on a blessing because it isn't packaged the way you expect it to be. The idea behind all this is for you to not miss out on Gods Blessings
in your life and to realize that God loves you and is there for you at
all times when you need Him.
Always look back on past blessings as proof of Gods love and that God will help you again - if God helped you before then He will surely help you know when you need help! God Bless you!