

We are being re-educated in a new life.

Every persons walk with God is different because every one of us has been through many different things in life, we have different reactions to good and bad things that happen in or lives so God has to treat each one of us differently and help us each one in a different manner. 

Written by James M Sandbrook of Tokoroa, New Zealand.

Remember that no matter what happens it will always pass. If you think back to some of the bad things that happened to you, mistakes that you made or just a hard to deal with situation. You will see that you got past it, you moved on. When you find a stressful situation is coming up remember that it will pass and you will get on with your life.

It is amazing that we can feel very stressed about an event, like a dentist appointment (I have one next week) and we can imagine all sorts of imaginings about what will happen but of course they won't because only one event will happen. Sometimes it seems like the mind enjoys these little games - but they are just not worth the hassle.

It is far better not to worry about something before it happens. Think back at all the times that you panicked or worried about something and then afterwards smiled and wondered why you made such a fuss.

Sometimes things may go astray - but a large amount of the time all will go well. So be prepared for anything that you may have to do but do not panic, just keep pushing those negative thoughts out of your mind and do something else, something that will keep that imagination busy by being constructive or just watch a good comedy.

Worry does not empty tomorrow of its sorrow; it empties today of its strength - Corrie Ten Boom.

Faith ends where worry begins, and worry ends where faith begins
- George Mueller
